Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Nursing Registered Professional

  • NRP 672L Acute Care Residency II (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 671L .
    Co-requisite(s): NRP 672 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Supervised clinical practicum in acute care designed to provide the inter-mediate to advanced Acute Care Nurse Practitioner student with practice experience to expand the skills introduced in NRP 671L  and to integrate management of acutely ill adults with complex conditions in high acuity and specialty areas. The student will have the opportunity to refine the integration and synthesis of theory, clinical research, advanced therapeutics, decision making, and outcome evaluation as it relates to both acute and chronic illness states. A total of 300 hours (~12-16 hrs/wk) will be completed.
  • NRP 673L Acute Care Residency III (2 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 672  and NRP 672L .
    Co-requisite(s): NRP 675 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Supervised clinical practicum in acute care designed to provide the advanced Acute Care Nurse Practitioner student with practice experience to refine the skills developed in NRP 670 /NRP 671L /NRP 672L  and further emphasize the comprehensive management of acutely ill adults with complex conditions in high acuity and specialty areas. This final practicum course requires the synthesis of theory and clinical experience / application to facilitate transition to the novice ACNP role. A total of 200 hours (~12-16 hrs/wk) will be completed.
  • NRP 674L Acute Care Residency IV (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 673L .
    Co-requisite(s): NRP 675 .
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Supervised clinical practicum in acute care designed to provide the advanced Acute Care Nurse Practitioner student with additional practice experience to refine the skills developed in the prior clinical courses and further emphasize the comprehensive management of acutely ill adults. This course requires the synthesis of theory and clinical experience / application to further develop skills in areas of identified need from prior clinical courses and to facilitate transition to the novice ACNP role. A total of 100 hours (8-10 hours per week) will be completed. Target student groups: NP Advancement Students as their final clinical course in lieu of NRP 673L  and as an optional supplement course for MSN/Post MSN students who are in good standing in the program but are deemed to need additional experiential learning to meet the clinical competencies of the program. For the latter, this course may be taken only once with all hours completed within a single term which is to be no later than the second term following NRP 673L .
  • NRP 675 Seminar for Clinical Decision Making (1 credit)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 672  and NRP 672L .
    Co-requisite(s): NRP 673L .
    Taught: Summer only
    This final didactic course serves as the culminating capstone in which the student will demonstrate the integration of theory, research, critical thinking / diagnostic reasoning, complex case analysis, and outcome evaluation in a seminar format. Emphasis will be placed on the application of evidence based research / practice guidelines within the context of the individual client condition.
  • NRP 676 Advanced Technologies for Acute Care (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 606  and NRP 608 .
    Co-requisite(s): NRP 671 , NRP 671L  and NRP 690 .
    Taught: Summer only
    This course will integrate assessment, implementation, and evaluation of advanced technologies in the diagnosis and management of acutely ill adults. Identification of appropriate client conditions requiring technology using evidence based criteria and the impact of the technology on the on the client, family and health care system will be addressed. Ethical, legal and psychological aspects will be incorporated. An introduction to invasive interventions and diagnostic device application and interpretation within the ACNP scope of practice will be provided. Hands-on skills practice will be facilitated through NRP 690  (On-campus residency).
  • NRP 680L Nursing Informatics Capstone I (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): STA 614 , MBI 630 , MBI 635 , MBI 650 , MHI 601 , NRP 600 , NRP 601 , NRP 604 , NRP 612  and NRP 650 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course integrates nursing and informatics research, concepts, and theories. The role of an Informatics Nurse is explored. The course is designed to integrate didactic content and clinical experience within selected healthcare settings. A needs assessment will be completed and an improvement project planned for implementation in NRP 681L .
  • NRP 681L Nursing Informatics Capstone II (2 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 680L .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This capstone course integrates nursing and informatics, research, concepts, and theories. The role of an Informatics Nurse is explored. The course is deigned to integrate didactic content and clinical experience within selected healthcare settings. This capstone experience will be a continuation of the action plan you outlined in NRP 680L .
  • NRP 688 Qualitative Research (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 600 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Basic design, principles, methods, and analysis using varied qualitative methods. Each graduate student will propose a study, collect and organize data, begin data analysis.
  • NRP 689 Applied Research (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 600 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Identification, critique, analysis, synthesis, application and evaluation of evidence to support clinical and organizational practices. This course will provide students with knowledge to promote and implement evidence in nursing and healthcare systems.
  • NRP 690 On-Campus Residency (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 606  and NRP 608 ; NRP 671 , or NRP 620 , or NRP 616 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This mandatory on campus residency will provide hands on student practice and faculty evaluation of problem based assessment, communication, and procedural skills within the specialty specific nurse practitioner scope of practice. The residency will occur over an approximate 3-4 day period prior to beginning clinical immersion courses. Orientation to the clinical residency and corresponding Capstone courses will be presented. Satisfactory completion of this on campus residency is REQUIRED in order to progress further with the primary care nurse practitioner clinical residency courses. Note that this on campus residency is offered only once annually, so it is imperative to plan accordingly to stay in progression.
  • NRP 691 Thesis Preparation (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Continuing enrollment for students needing more than one semester to complete NRP 697  Investigative Project. Graded pass/fail. This course must be repeated each semester until the project or thesis is completed. Limit of six semesters (exclusive of summers).
  • NRP 697 Investigative Project (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NRP 600 , STA 614 , and consent of instructor prior to registration.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Research project related to a specific Clinical nursing problem culminating with a publishable paper. Required for degree candidates electing the non-thesis option.
  • NRP 860 Theoretical Perspectives in Nursing Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDD 801 , EDD 810 , EDD 811  and EDD 812 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Explores nursing theory, its development and history. In depth analysis of selected theorists in nursing and nursing education, their contributions to nursing education’s body of knowledge, and theory utilization in nursing education will be the focus.
  • NRP 861 Educational Psychology of Nursing Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDD 801  and EDD 810 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Critical appraisal of classical and current research in educational psychology and nursing education. Development and implementation, using learning theories and technologies, of designs to improve instruction in various nursing education settings: classroom, clinical, staff development, and community.
  • NRP 862 Research in Nursing Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDD 801 , EDD 810 , EDD 811  and EDD 812 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Critical appraisal of classical and current research literature in nursing education. Analysis of the current research needs identified in various nursing education settings. Critical examination of research methodologies that have been used in existing nursing education research and applicability to current nursing education research needs. Development of bibliographies (comprehensive, annotated) and bibliographic essays leading toward a metasynthesis of nursing educational research.
  • NRP 863 Teaching/Learning in Nursing Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDD 801  and EDD 810 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Provides overview of college teaching/learning as it pertains to nursing education. The focus is on the development of knowledge and skills selected from various areas of college teaching with an emphasis on nursing education.
  • NRP 864 Technology in Nursing Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDD 801  and EDD 810 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to basic programs and technological methods/media used in higher education. Course will provide nurse ‘practitioner scholars’ an over-view of information systems used in higher education. This course provides the opportunity for students to engage with current technological practices using a tactile approach grounded in adult learning theory.

Nutritional Science & Dietetics

  • NTR 510 Experimental Food (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): CHE 311/L.
    Taught: Spring only
    This course includes a general overview and principles; food constituents and properties; quality and safety; preservation methods; processing animal and plant products.
  • NTR 512 Integrative & Functional Nutrition (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): CHE 482/L & NTR 410.
    Taught: Spring only
    This course provides an overview of the nutrigenomics and disease risk, through the exploration of genetic and biochemical individuality. The course will focus on the impact of dietary intake and underlying genetic interactions and susceptibility to disease, along with a systems-based approach to disease prevention and management through food.
  • NTR 520 Nutrition and Physical Activity (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program director.
    Taught: Spring only
    This is an advanced nutrition course focused on bioenergetics, physiological adaptations to physical activity, and training nutritional challenges. This course will prepare students for the sports dietetics board examination covering specific topics related to nutrition meal periodization, menu development for training table, review of dietary intake methodologies, and nutritional counseling.
  • NTR 610 Professional Issues in Dietetics (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate student standing in nutritional science & dietetics.
    Taught: Fall only
    This course will focus on current professional topics and issues related to the practice of dietetics, such as ethics, scope of practice, professional standards, and portfolio development. Preparation for the dietetics registration examination will be included in this course.
  • NTR 612 Medical Nutrition Therapy I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program director.
    Taught: Fall only
    This course will build the foundation for medical nutrition therapy and allow students to become better versed in the nutrition care process. Students will be charged with applying scientific knowledge to clinical cases, related to the nutrition care process and cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, and renal disorder.
  • NTR 613 Medical Nutrition Therapy II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NTR 612  
    Taught: Spring only
    This is the second course in the clinical nutrition series. This course will build on knowledge and skills obtained in MNT I. The focus of this course will be the application of scientific knowledge for the management and treatment of hepatic, neurological, gastrointestinal, immune, oncology, and hypermetabolism/critical care disorders.
  • NTR 620 Pediatric Nutrition (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program director.
    Taught: Fall only - even years
    This course is an advanced course focused on the normal growth and development of infants, children, and adolescents. This course will emphasis feeding practices, nutrient needs, and nutrition management strategies for the pediatric population.
  • NTR 625 Nutrition Physical Assessment (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program director.
    Taught: Fall only
    This course will focus on assessment methods of dietary, biochemical, anthropometric, and physical data for determining nutritional status in a clinical setting. Particular attention will be given to the physical focused nutrition assessment and malnutrition screening.
  • NTR 630 Nutrition Counseling & Theory (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program director.
    Taught: Spring only
    An overview of education, communication, and counseling theories and skills as they pertain to working with individuals and/or groups to promote healthy eating and physical activity.  Readings and discussions will focus on behavior change through use of counseling theories & educational strategies such as motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral theory.
  • NTR 635 Nutritional Psychology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NTR 641  
    Taught: Fall only
    This course provides an introduction to nutritional psychology and offers a basic understanding of how foods impact mood and behavior. Readings and discussions will be focused on integrating the science of the mind, body, and spirit through extensive examination of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the brain-gut axis, and the psychoneuroendocrine-immune pathways.
  • NTR 640 Macronutrients (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program director.
    Taught: Fall only
    This course will focus on human macronutrient metabolism. This course will emphasize the regulation and integration of metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and water at the biochemical and physiological level.
  • NTR 641 Micronutrients (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NTR 640  
    Taught: Spring only
    This is an advanced course which requires knowledge of human nutrition and energy metabolism. This course will focus on the function of vitamins and minerals, emphasizing micronutrient metabolism, nutrient interactions, and the impacts of toxicity and deficiencies on health.
  • NTR 642 Dietetics Professional Practice III (6 credits)

    Hours: 6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NTR 613  
    Taught: Summer only
    Competency-based clinical application of principles in dietetics to include behavioral health, gerontology, cardiovascular health & cardiac rehab, and direct patient care. Conducted under the supervision of registered dietitian and clinical faculty.
  • NTR 645 Dietetics Professional Practice IV (3-6 credits)

    Hours: 3-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): NTR 642  
    Taught: Spring and summer
    Competency-based clinical application of principles in dietetics to include oncology, nephrology, enteral/parental nutrition, and endocrinology terminology, pathopharmacology, medical nutrition therapy, and patient counseling. Conducted under the supervision of registered dietitians and clinical faculty.
  • NTR 696 Thesis Research or Research Project (3-6 credits)

    Hours: 3-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): STA 614  and HSC 600  
    Taught: Fall, spring, summer
    Supervised development and implementation of a nutrition related research study.


  • PHI 594 Topics: Philosophy (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours in philosophy or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    In-depth examination of a selected topic in philosophy. May be repeated as topics vary.
  • PHI 599 Independent Study: Philosophy (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours of philosophy or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individually supervised readings and study of a selected study in philosophy. May be repeated as topics vary.
  • PHI 692 Directed Research (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individualized research project. May be repeated for credit.
  • PHI 699 Independent Study (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individually supervised readings and study of a selected topic. May be repeated as topics vary.

Physical Education

  • PHE 599 Selected Problems in Physical Education (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individual or group study of a topic of current interest in physical education. Topic selected by student with approval of instructor.
  • PHE 699 Selected Topics in Physical Education (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of advisor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Independent study of topics selected from current issues in physical education.


  • PHY 694 Topics: Physics (Graduate) (1-4 credits)

    Hours: 1-4 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    May include topics illustrating the principles of physics and their applications to astronomy, mechanics, heat, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, and modern physics. Specific topics are determined in consultation with the student’s advisor and the chair of physics and geology. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 semester hours.


  • PSY 501 I-O Discussion Forum (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Introduction to I-O program, development of community and support; survey of I-O psychology; discussion of historical, ethical, legal and current newsworthy issues; clarification and elaboration of program requirements, intentions and philosophy.
  • PSY 505 Drug Policy (3 credits)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 and junior standing or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Critical examination of historic and contemporary drug policies in the U.S. and other countries. Political, economic, social, and psychological effects of drug policies, with emphasis on empirical evidence regarding the relative effectiveness of the policies. Policies regarding both legal and illegal drugs are included.
  • PSY 550 Organizational Psychology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Introductory graduate level study in organizational psychology; commitment, involvement, satisfaction, motivation, leadership, power, quality of worklife, and groups/teams.
  • PSY 570 Work Environments (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Introduction to human factors psychology; ergonomics; occupational health and safety; physical and psychological factors influencing the workplace.
  • PSY 580 Cognition in the Workplace (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Judgment and decision-making, heuristics, biases, persuasion, prejudice, diversity, values, and attitude measurement.
  • PSY 595 Topics: Study Abroad in Psychology (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study abroad course; topic listed in Schedule of Classes when course is offered. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • PSY 615 Univariate Statistics & Research Design (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO Psychology Program or consent of MSIO Psychology Director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Univariate and bivariate methods of conducting scientific research in applied settings including descriptive statistics, probability, correlation, regression, inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, t- tests, between- and within-subjects ANOVA and ANCOVA, confidence intervals, chi-square, and nonparametric tests.
  • PSY 616 Multivariate Stats & Research Design (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSIO psychology program and PSY 615  or con-sent of instructor.
    Taught: Spring only
    Multivariate methods of conducting scientific research in applied settings including standard, statistical, and hierarchical multiple regression; factorial MANOVA and MANCOVA; logistic regression, discriminant function and canonical correlation analysis; and structural equation modeling.
  • PSY 620 Job Analysis and Staffing (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Methods and techniques of job analysis/competency modeling on both individual and team levels; job analysis/competency modeling outcomes; compensation, selection, training, development and performance appraisal.
  • PSY 622 Development Across the Lifespan (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of director of Masters in Community Counseling.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Theories and research findings related to human development; develop-mental crises, tasks & transitions across one’s lifespan; nature vs. nurture; theories of learning and personality development; strategies for facilitating optimal human development.
  • PSY 625 Psy Testing, Measmt, & Sci Survey Mthds (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 615   and PSY 616  or equivalent and Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Psychological testing, measurements, & scientific survey methods. Construction, evaluation, and application of psychological tests, measures, and survey instruments in applied settings including construct definition, scale development, item construction, rigorous survey design, data sampling, reliability and validity analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, classical and modern test theory, test bias, and ethical test use.
  • PSY 630 Occupational Health Psychology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to the interdisciplinary field of health psychology. The course focuses on the basic theories and research findings that have emerged in the field, application of those theories and research, and developing a problem solving orientation to diagnosing occupational safety and health problems.
  • PSY 632 Public Health (3 credits)

    3 classroom hours + 0 lab/studio hours
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Taught: Spring Only
    This course introduces the graduate student to fundamental concepts, principles, theories, research and contemporary issues in public health, including social and behavior health sciences, environmental health, epidemiology, and biostatistics. The course will focus on the application of these scientific findings in the workplace.
  • PSY 635 Selection and Performance Appraisal (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSIO psychology program, PSY 615 , and PSY 620  or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Advanced treatment of selection and performance appraisal in organizations; legal and ethical issues, recruitment, selection systems and methods, criterion theory and development; and appraisal systems and methods.
  • PSY 640 Training and Development (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program and PSY 620  or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Models of instructional design, psychological theory and principles relevant to learning; transfer of training; program evaluation; common types of training in organizations, computer and web-based training.
  • PSY 645 Organizational Consulting (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Presents a comprehensive overview of organizational consulting, including its history, specializations, and contexts. Fundamental principles, effective practices, and emerging issues are studied.
  • PSY 652 Epidemiology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): STA 614  or PSY 615  or other graduate level statistics course.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Survey basic concepts and principles of epidemiology, including epidemiologic models, the epidemiology process, epidemiologic investigation, and application of these concepts and principles.
  • PSY 660 Organizational Change and Development (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program and PSY 550  or consent of MSIO psychology program director.
    Taught: Summer Only
    Change processes, situational assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation, intervention; organizational structure, values, culture, leadership, roles of consultants, and external environments.
  • PSY 670 Organizational Leadership (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course offers an overview of leadership in organizational settings. The first half of the course is devoted to building a foundational understanding of leadership by working through some of the major theoretical approaches using textbook and selected readings. In the second half, that foundation is used in further exploring lines of related inquiry. Working in teams, students will also design and conduct a study on leadership using various published measures.
  • PSY 675 Motivation (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course introduces the graduate student to fundamental concepts, theories, contemporary research findings and emerging issues in workplace motivation and behavior. Complementary and sometimes contradictory perspectives on motivation and its impact on organizational behavior will be discussed.
  • PSY 685 Applied Research Study Capstone (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Organization and completion of applied research portfolio; updating, revising and improving research projects; conducting additional research; formatting portfolio.
  • PSY 694 Graduate Psychology Special Topics (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Seminar course; topics listed in Schedule of Classes each semester, in the Master of Science in Industrial-Organizational Psychology Program (MSIO).
  • PSY 699 Independent Study in Psychology (0-3 credits)

    1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and psychology chair prior to registration.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Supervised group study projects in selected problem areas, or individually supervised areas of study involving readings, experimental research, and/or applied problems in educational psychology. Up to 3 semester hours may be earned per semester.
  • PSY 795 Practicum (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 615 , PSY 616  and consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Supervised development and conduct of a project in an employment set-ting; synthesis and application of knowledge acquired in prior coursework.  Repeatable for up to 6 credit hours.
  • PSY 797 Thesis (1-6 credits)

    Hours: 1-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 615 , PSY 616  and consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Supervised development and implementation of research study.

Public Administration

  • PAD 500 Foundations of Public Service (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Learn and understand theories, concepts, and practices that are fundamental to public administration and public service. Apply information and ideas to practical situations relevant to professionals working in government agencies (local, state and federal), health care and social service providers, educational institutions, foundations, arts organizations, and other nonprofits.
  • PAD 501 Human Resource Management (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Principles and problems of recruitment, examination, rating, classification, and assignment to the job; philosophies of employee pay, promotion, motivation, and discipline; formulating and administering personnel policies, concepts, and principles; focus on American national, state, and local government systems as well as non-profit agencies.
  • PAD 511 Budgeting Techniques and Applications (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Advanced treatment of budgetary techniques and applications, such as program budgeting and zero-base budgeting; financial planning and revenue estimation techniques; tax and expenditure types; debt financing; financial reporting.
  • PAD 515 Cartography (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA Program, or consent of MPA Director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to principles and concepts of cartography; hands-on experience in cartographic map design using computer cartographic software through developing maps, charts, graphics, and design materials for presentation through digital mediums. Emphasizes understanding and implementation of the principles and theories and research into relevant topics.
  • PAD 519 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA Program or consent of MPA Director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to principles and concepts of remote sensing technologies; hands-on experience in manipulation of remote sensing techniques using remote sensing software. Emphasizes understanding and implementation of remote sensing theories and research into relevant topics.
  • PAD 520 Advanced Remote Sensing (4 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PAD 519 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to principles and concepts of digital remote sensing data processing technologies; hands-on experience in manipulation of digital remote sensing data processing techniques using remote sensing software. Emphasizes understanding and implementation of digital remote sensing data processing theories and research into relevant topics.
  • PAD 550 Geographic Information Systems (4 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Fundamental GIS Concepts such as creating, editing, and georeferencing spatial data; Basic GIS applications including manipulating tabular data, querying a GIS database, and presenting data using maps and graphs.
  • PAD 551 Geographic Information Analysis (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PAD 550 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The use of GIS as an administrative or decisional tool in the public and related sector activities. GIS applications include but are not limited to planning and community development, safety, health, environment, public finance, education and not-for-profit organizations.
  • PAD 560 Community Development (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Examine the theory and practice of community development in the United States to further social improvement and economic development. Explore structural and human assets within the community, strategies to mobilize and enhance these assets, as well as connections within and outside the community.
  • PAD 594 Topics: Public Administration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Specialized topics in public administration; intensive reading, cases, and simulation. May be repeated once as topic varies. May be used in any area of concentration.
  • PAD 596 Internship in Public Administration (1-3 credits)

    0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program coordinator
    An opportunity for students to expand their professional experience and learn about government, nonprofit, and related organizations. Requirements are coordinated among student, program coordinator, and organization.
  • PAD 599 Independent Study in Public Service (1-3 credits)

    0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program coordinator.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Specialized topics in public administration covered through intensive readings and/or field projects; at the direction of a specific instructor. May be repeated as projects vary.
  • PAD 602 Organizational Behavior and Theory (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Principal conceptual and theoretical bases for understanding the structure, environment, and internal processes or organizations; human behavior, attitudes, and performance within organizational settings.
  • PAD 603 Public Policy Analysis (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PAD 500  
    Taught: Spring only
    This course focuses on different theories, processes and analytical techniques related to public policy in federal, state and local governments. It examines the various stages of the public policy process, including formulation, implementation and evaluation. It provides knowledge and skills to define, analyze and recommend public policy choices.
  • PAD 612 Administrative Law (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Basic legal concepts, dilemmas and skills central to administrative law; varieties of legislative, judicial and executive oversight of administrative agencies; administrative rule-making and administrative adjudication, both formal and informal.
  • PAD 615 Research Methods (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PAD 500 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Foundation to the theory & practice of social science research. Concepts and techniques to conduct research. Includes both the quantitative and the qualitative research methodologies. Open only to students in the MPA pro-gram.
  • PAD 616 Data Analysis (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PAD 615 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Quantitative and qualitative data analysis with emphasis on the former. Univariate, bivariate analysis, probability, hypothesis testing, regression. Content analysis, discourse analysis, coding.
  • PAD 620 Managing Nonprofit Organizations (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director. 
    Taught: Fall only
    Development and characteristics of nonprofit organizations; scope and growth of the nonprofit sector; application of relevant theories to nonprofit organizations; human resource management; board-staff relations; nonprofit law; NGOs; issues of ethics, accountability and impact.
  • PAD 621 Resource Acquisition and Management (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Concepts and practices of fundraising (direct mailing, annual, capital campaign, special events, planned giving, major gifts and resource management (budgeting, financial reporting).
  • PAD 622 Volunteer Management (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Summer only
    History and philosophical underpinnings of volunteerism; role of volunteers in nonprofit organizations; volunteer development program including volunteer recruitment, training, performance appraisal, motivation and reward; risk management; and trends in volunteering.
  • PAD 623 Grant Research, Writing & Management (3 credit)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Practical, hands-on approach to grant systems and processes, including research, writing, and management. Topics include identification of potential funding sources; requests for proposals from government and other organizations; applications for funding from foundations, corporations, and other sources; implementation and reporting.
  • PAD 624 Strategic Planning & Program Evaluation (3 credit)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Concepts and practices of strategic planning including internal and external assessments, stakeholder and issue identification, decision making, and strategy development. Concepts and practices of program evaluation, including design and implementation.
  • PAD 630 Ethical Leadership in Public Service (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Establishment of an ethical foundation for those preparing for or working in public and related careers. Increased understanding of ethical dimensions of public service including the duties and responsibilities of professional administrators. Development of awareness, skills and values to make decisions and act ethically in public management and leadership roles.
  • PAD 631 Diversity & Equity in Public Service (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Gain knowledge and develop the cultural competency necessary in public service to meet the challenges of our increasingly diverse society. Theoretical and applied perspectives are used to examine barriers, challenges, and benefits of diversity and equity in public service, including the impact on leading and managing public and nonprofit organizations.
  • PAD 632 Executive Management & Public Leadership (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Nonprofit Management certificate, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Spring only
    The theoretical and practical development of executive and leadership skills including but not limited to visioning, planning, strategic decisional, organizational change, accountability, ethics, communications, delegation, external environments, and new concepts in management.
  • PAD 675 Local Government Management (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Seminar on politics and administration of local government, especially in Kentucky and Ohio. Topics include but are not limited to urban government, urban administration, executive management, public works, personnel, finance, planning, and community development.
  • PAD 681 Homeland Security Administration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Graduate course to acquaint students with the best practices for local government to meet the possible threat to our homeland security. Focus on preemptive and preventive measures that can be undertaken to assure domestic security.
  • PAD 682 Emergency Management (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Summer only
    This course will provide an overview of disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Students will learn how to evaluate governmental and non-governmental agencies involved in managing a disaster, communications, bet practices, basic budgeting and funding issues, as well as operations coordination.
  • PAD 683 Terrorism (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, Emergency Management certificate, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Spring only
    This course exposes students to the foundations of global terrorism, terrorist organizations, networks, and counter terrorism. Students will be exposed to the relevant geography, history, religion, philosophy, political, and criminal aspects of terrorism worldwide.
  • PAD 692 Research in Public Administration (1-6 credits)

    Hours: 1-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program and consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The student engages in a research project in the field of public administration, public policy and/or nonprofit management by contributing to a faculty member’s project or by working on an independent project with a faculty mentor.
  • PAD 695 Study Abroad/Away in Public Admin. (1-6 credits)

    Hours: 1-6 classroom / 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Program permission is required.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    An opportunity for graduate students to engage in one or more officially-sponsored and/or program-approved courses abroad or away, ranging from one week to an entire semester. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • PAD 696 Internship: Public Administration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    An opportunity for students to expand their professional experience and also to link course work to public service careers; students work under the supervision of managers in government and nonprofit organizations. An internship may be substituted for an elective in the MPA program with prior consent of the MPA director.
  • PAD 699 Readings: Public Administration (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Department consent after admission to MPA program.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Specialized topics in public administration covered through intensive readings and/ or field projects; at the direction of a specific instructor. May be repeated once as projects vary. May be used in any area of concentration.
  • PAD 793 Public Administration Capstone (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Students can take this class only during the last nine credit hours of their completion of the MPA curriculum and must obtain the instructor’s approval of their research paper or project proposals by the end of the previous semester.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    This course provides a holistic approach to help graduating students have a richer understanding of public administration. It provides students with opportunities to reexamine their knowledge and skills through a portfolio project and to apply their learning by developing and implementing a major research paper or project.

Religious Studies

  • REL 594 Topics In Religious Studies (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Selected topics in religious studies. May be repeated as topics vary.
  • REL 599 Independent Study (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individually supervised readings and study of a selected topic in religious studies. May be repeated as topics vary.

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