Sep 23, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Description Notes

Northern Kentucky University has established abbreviations for its various disciplines. These abbreviations, which are printed next to the name of each discipline in the following course descriptions, should be used in preparing course schedules and at other times when referring to specific courses.

Following course titles in parenthesis is the number of semester hours of credit in the course. Listed below the course title are the number of classroom and lab/studio hours in the course, course prerequisites and co-requisites, and the semesters in which the course is taught.

Many courses satisfy NKU general education requirements under guidelines of the Kentucky Transfer Policy. If a particular course is approved for general education credit, a two-letter general education category designation follows the course title. The category for which the course is approved is listed in full beneath the course description. The general education category designations are:

OC – Oral Communication
WC – Written Communication
AH – Arts and Humanities
QR – Quantitative Reasoning
NS – Natural Sciences
SB – Social and Behavioral Sciences

Please refer to the General Education section of this catalog for complete information.

The university reserves the right to withdraw or modify courses of instruction at any time.



  • SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I - AH (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Fundamentals; introduction to Hispanic cultures; development of skills in conversation, pronunciation, grammar, reading, and writing.
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Culture and Creativity
  • SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): For students who have completed SPI 101  or equivalent.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Continuation of SPI 101 .
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 201 Intermediate Spanish I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): For students who have completed SPI 102  or equivalent.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Review and extension of basic language skills learned in SPI 101  and SPI 102 ; reading and discussion of cultural, linguistic, and literary subjects.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 202 Intermediate Spanish II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): For students who have completed SPI 201  or equivalent.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Continuation of grammar review and enhancement of language skills begun in SPI 201 ; cultural and literary subjects.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 304 Spanish Composition and Conversation (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Advanced practice in writing Spanish compositions and in oral conversation skills.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 310 Spanish Culture and Civilization (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study of eras, institutions, and issues in the history and culture of Spain and the Iberian peninsula; readings primarily in Spanish.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 311 Spanish-American Culture and Civilization (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Eras, institutions, and issues in Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America; the Hispanic presence in the United States; readings primarily in Spanish.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 320 Survey of Peninsular Spanish Literature (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Overview of major authors and movements from the middle ages to the 20th century; readings in Spanish.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 321 Survey of Spanish-American Literature (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Overview of major authors and movements from the 18th to the 20th century; readings in Spanish.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 322 Hispanic Drama (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study of major authors and texts in the history of Spanish theater, including representative twentieth-century playwrights. Readings in Spanish. May be repeated when topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • SPI 323 Hispanic Prose Fiction (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Focus on novel, novella, or short story. May be repeated as topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • SPI 330 Studies in Spanish Language Cinema (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Survey of films produced in the Spanish language. Emphasizes both the aesthetic aspects of the films as well as their historical, political, social and cultural content. May be repeated as topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • SPI 340 Business Spanish (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPI 202  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Spanish business terminology; practice in writing and translating business letters. For students majoring in business and other seeking to broaden their career opportunities.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 350 Methods of Teaching Spanish (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours of Spanish at the 300 level or above.
    Taught: Spring only
    Theoretical and practical considerations of teaching Spanish in secondary schools. Required of all students seeking teaching certification in Spanish.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 401 Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours of Spanish on the 300 level or above or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Spring only-even yrs
    Study of Spanish sound system, how sounds are produced, which ones are used in Spanish, and in what contexts they occur. Satisfies the linguistics requirement for Spanish Education majors.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 402 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Syntax (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours of Spanish on the 300 level or above or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Spring only-odd yrs
    Study of grammar through analysis of key linguistic structures and applied practice. Analysis of word formation, sentence structure, and semantics. Satisfies the linguistics requirement for Spanish Education majors.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPI 480 Studies in Spanish and Spanish-American Culture (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours of Spanish on the 300 level or above or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Topics in culture and language of Spanish-speaking countries. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 12

  • SPI 481 Studies in Spanish and Spanish-American Literature (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours of Spanish on the 300 level or above or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Topics in literature, literary history, and literary theory. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 12

  • SPI 499 Independent Study: Spanish (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Readings in language, literature, and culture.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

  • SPI 520 Readings in Spanish (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 300-level Spanish course.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Various literary, linguistic, cultural, and pedagogical topics. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

Sports Business

  • SPB 200 Rivalry and Rituals: International Sport (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    ‘Rivalry and Rituals’ uses the socially prominent context of international sports to examine cultural development, influence and conflict within and across persons and geographic boundaries.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPB 305 Sports Marketing and Promotion (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MKT 205 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Sports Marketing will build upon the marketing knowledge base and provide an overview of all the issues faced by marketing managers within the sports industry and outside the industry who market through sports. Students will be introduced to the unique qualities of the sports product and also examine the promotion mix, pricing and distribution issues as they relate to the sports industry.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPB 307 Moneyball: The Economics of Sports (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in ECO 201 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Challenges students to apply economic theory to the unique aspects of college and professional sports. Highlights of the course include the industrial structure of sports, public financing of sports, and labor markets in sports.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPB 309 Sports Public Relations (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MKT 205  or MKT 305.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Introduction to the elements of the promotional mix that identify, establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between the sports organizations and the various publics on which its success or failure depends.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPB 330 Sports Legal Environment (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    This course will explore the landmark decisions and social environment, which have transformed sports into a very powerful industry enjoying special protection under the law. Topics will include sports franchise rights, legal issues, anti-trust laws, sports agents, injuries to athletics, intercollegiate sports, collective bargaining issues, the powers of the Commissioner and gender equality.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPB 350 Development and Fundraising in Sports (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MKT 205 , SPB 305 .
    Taught: Fall only
    This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview for the fundraising, donor relations, non-profit, premium seating, and ticket sales profession. Students are provided with an ethical foundation and are introduced to basic terminology and concepts in the field. While students develop an understanding of the essentials of fundraising operations, they will also examine larger issues confronting today’s fundraising managers. Topics will include major gift fundraising, annual funds, booster club organizations, priority seating programs, and benefits, the importance of donor research in the fund raising process, and the process from development to the transaction.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPB 394 Topics: Sports Business Issues (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPB 305 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Specialized topics of faculty and student interest. Topics vary. May be taken two times for elective credit if topics differ.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • SPB 396 Internship: Sports Business (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPB 305  and consent of instructor.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Supervised professional work experience in approved sport or sports related organization.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPB 480 Sports Business Strategies and Policies (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPB 305 , SPB 308, certification as Sports Business major and senior standing.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Application of theories to a wide variety of current issues and problems within the sports industry using case analysis.
    Repeatable: No
  • SPB 496 Sport Business Practicum (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPB 305  with a C or better and permission from instructor.
    Taught: Fall and summer
    This professional experience course involves 60 hours per credit hour of applied learning experiences within the sport industry. Students log field experience hours that include observing and providing assistance to a sports business professional in order to learn about the field of sports business and to gain professional experience and contacts.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • SPB 499 Independent Study: Sports Business (3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): SPB 305 , senior standing and consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Students pursue a topic or project of interest to them under faculty supervision. Meeting times by arrangement with instructor.
    Repeatable: No


  • STA 110 Introductory Probability (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in MAHD 092  or MAHD 095  or MAHD 099  or placement.
    Taught: Spring and Summer
    Enumeration techniques and probability theory. Not open to students who have completed STA 250 .
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 111 Basic Probability (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): STA 205  or STA 212  and consent of chairperson.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Probability; basic counting techniques.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 113 Probability and Statistics with Elementary Education Applications - QR (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in MAHD 092  or MAHD 099  or MAHD 095  or placement.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Concepts of probability, statistical description, and statistical inference and their use in elementary education; basic counting techniques; graphical descriptive methods; numerical descriptive methods; normal distribution; sampling distribution of a proportion and mean; estimation of a proportion and mean; Use of statistical software. Not open to students who have completed both MAT 110 /STA 110  and either STA 204  or STA 205 , or both MAT 110 /STA 110  and STA 212 , or STA 250  or STA 314 .
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Mathematics
  • STA 204 Statistics for Middle Grades Teachers (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in MAHD 092  or MAHD 095  or placement.
    Taught: Spring only
    Concepts of statistical description and inference as they relate to middle and secondary standards; graphical displays of qualitative and quantitative data; measures of central tendency, variability, and position; normal distributions; linear regression and correlation; patterns of association in bivariate categorical data; simulation for inferential techniques, including confidence intervals and randomization tests; use of statistical software. Open only to students majoring in elementary or middle grades education or by instructor permit.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 205 Introduction to Statistical Methods - QR (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in MAHD 092  or MAHD 099  or MAHD 095  or placement.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Graphical descriptive measures; numerical descriptive measures; probability; hypothesis testing, estimation; analysis of variance; chisquare; regression; analysis by means of statistical software. Credit is not given for both STA 205 and STA 212 . Not open to students who have completed STA 250  or STA 314 .
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Mathematics
  • STA 212 Statistics for Business Applications I - QR (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in MAHD 092  or MAHD 099  or MAHD 095  or placement.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Concepts of statistical description and inference and their use in business decision making; measures of central tendency and variability; hypothesis testing; estimation; linear regression and correlation; use of statistical software. Credit is not given for both STA 205  and STA 212. Not open to students who have completed STA 250  or STA 314 .
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Mathematics
  • STA 213 Statistics for Business Applications II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 212 .
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Further development of key topics in STA 212 ; analysis of variance; chi- square tests; non-parametric inference; regression analysis; additional inference topics; use of statistical software.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 250 Probability and Statistics I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in MAT 129  
    Co-requisite(s): MAT 227 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Introduction to probability and statistics; discrete distributions, continuous distributions, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 292 Introductory Statistical Research (0 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to research in statistics by participation in a special project or original research directed by a member of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics faculty. Course intended for statistics majors interested in statistics research but not ready or able to enroll in more advanced research courses. Pass/fail grade only.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 0.5

  • STA 294 Topics: Statistics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Varies with topic (see Schedule of Classes).
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Various topics in Statistics.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

  • STA 299 Directed Readings/Independent Study (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

  • STA 312 Elementary Survey Sampling (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 205  or STA 212  or STA 250 .
    Taught: Variable-chck w/dept
    Describing sets of data; estimation; elements of survey samples; single random, stratified, cluster, and systematic sampling methods; ratio and regression estimation; sampling from wildlife populations. Students will be required to conduct and analyze an actual survey.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 314 Design and Analysis of Experiments (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 213  or STA 250 ; or B- or better in STA 205  or STA 212 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Analysis of variance and experimental design; multiple comparison techniques; factorial experiments; random and fixed effects models; nested and split plot designs; use of statistical software.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 316 Regression Analysis (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 213  or STA 250 ; or B- or better in STA 205  or STA 212 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Simple linear regression; multiple regression; diagnostics and remedial measures; logistic regression; additional topics in regression; use of statistical software. Not open to students who have completed STA 315.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 317 Introduction to Time Series Analysis (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 213  or STA 316  or STA 341 .
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Development of ARIMA models; estimation and confidence limits for model parameters; time series smoothing techniques; forecasting with ARIMA models; diagnostic checking.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 327 Categorical Data Analysis (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): B- or better in STA 205 , STA 212 , or STA 213 ; or C- or better in STA 250 , STA 314  or STA 341 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    A study of categorical variables and their analyses. Topics include: 2- way contingency tables; difference in proportions; marginal and conditional probabilities; independence; chi-square tests; relative risks and odds ratios; Simpson’s paradox; logistic regression; Poisson regression; use of advanced statistical software (such as R, SAS). Other topics, time permitting.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 340 Probability II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 250  and (MAT 228  or MAT 229 ).
    Taught: Fall only
    Further study of topics in STA 250 ; multivariate distributions, approximations, functions of random variables; additional topics.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 341 Statistics II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 250 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Further study in statistics topics introduced in STA 250 . Topics include confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, one-factor analysis of variance, simple linear regression, chi-square analyses, and nonparametric tests.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 360 Statistical Computing (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 213  or STA 314  or STA 316  or STA 341  or
    Co-requisite(s): STA 314 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Use of high-level statistical software package; data management and manipulation including sorting, merging, subsets; data analysis including frequency distributions, contingency tables, tests for means, correlation, simple and multiple linear regression, and analysis of variance; programming techniques applied to statistical analysis.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 370 Introduction to Statistical Consulting (3 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 6-9 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and C- or better in STA 314  or STA 341 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Supervised application of statistical methods to real research problems in the Burkardt Consulting Center (BCC; readings and discussions on statistical consulting topics; attend meetings with clients of the BCC, manage data, analyze data, and produce summary reports under faculty supervision).
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 392 Research in Statistics (0-3 credits)

    Hours: 0-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Original research in statistics directed by a member of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics faculty.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

  • STA 394 Intermediate Topics: Statistics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Varies with topic (see Schedule of Classes).
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Various topics in Statistics.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

  • STA 399 Directed Readings/Independent Study (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

  • STA 419 Applied Multivariate Statistics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 360  and (STA 314  or STA 316  or STA 341 ).
    Taught: Spring only-odd yrs
    Introduction to multiple multivariate analysis techniques including: principal component analysis, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, and cluster analysis; other topics as time permits.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 450 Introduction to Actuarial Science (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in STA 340 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Advanced topics of probability theory; applications of probability in risk management and insurance; preparation for actuarial society examinations.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 470 Supervised Statistical Consulting (3 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 6-9 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Grade of P in STA 370 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Continuation of STA 370 ; more active involvement in consulting projects; completion of a major oral presentation.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 489 Comprehensive Examination (0 Credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.
    Taught: Not assigned
    Completion of a program reflection and an examination over general concepts in statistics. To be taken within two semesters of graduation.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 490 Statistics Research Proposal (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of department.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Development of a comprehensive proposal for a research project in Statistics. Includes feasibility study, identification of resources, establishment of appropriate goals, proposal writing, and a public defense. May not be applied toward elective hours in the mathematics or statistics major. Pass/Fail.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 491 Statistics Honors Research Project (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Passing grade in STA 490 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Supervised research in statistics concluding with a written report and public presentation of results.
    Repeatable: No
  • STA 494 Advanced Topics: Statistics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Varies with topic (see Schedule of Classes).
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Various topics in Statistics.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

  • STA 499 Directed Readings/Independent Study (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

  • STA 594 Topics: Statistics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Varies with topic (see Schedule of Classes).
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Topics in statistics. Topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 15

Theatre and Dance

  • DAN 120 Ballet Dance I (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Introduction to technique for students with little or no dance training.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 220 Ballet Dance II (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor or chair.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Intermediate level.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 221 Modern Dance I (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Beginning level.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 222 Jazz Dance I (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 120 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Introduction to jazz dance technique. For students with little or no jazz dance training.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 224 Tap I (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Introduction to tap dance technique. No previous training necessary.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 226 Foundation Seminar (2 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 2 DAN classes and consent of instructor or chair.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Execute corrective exercise by strengthening muscle tissue and skeletal connections, learning technical skills essential for all areas of dance; analyze movement strategies for proper body alignment.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 4

  • DAN 227 Special Topics in Dance (0-6 credits)

    Hours: 0-2 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Opportunity for introductory work in specialized topics related to student’s areas of concentration.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • DAN 321 Modern Dance II (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 221  or consent of instructor or chair.
    Taught: Spring only
    Intermediate level.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 322 Jazz Dance II (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 222  or consent of instructor or chair.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Intermediate level.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 323 Physiology of Dance (3 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Provides an explanation of dance kinesiology for the dancer. Emphasis is placed on the actions of the muscles, implications of joint mechanics for technique, dance terminology, specific exercises and discussion of dance injury.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 324 Tap Dance II (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 224  or consent of instructor or chair.
    Taught: Spring only
    Dance work in tap dance: audition and performance preparation; techniques in choreography.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 326 Advanced Dance Seminar I (2-6 credits)

    Hours: 2-4 classroom + 2-6 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor or chair.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Advanced work in dance (all genres may be explored) for students majoring in theatre and skilled dancers.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 375 Choreography (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours of dance or consent of instructor or chair.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Interpretations of ballets and stage musicals as expressed in movement and dance.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 414 Dance Tour Troupe (2 Credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-6 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition required.
    Taught: Fall and Spring
    Touring dance performance troupe designed to represent the University in schools and at functions around the state and region.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 16

  • DAN 420 Ballet Dance III (3 Credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 120  and DAN 220  or faculty approval/placement audition.
    Taught: Variable-chck w/dept
    Advanced training in classical and contemporary ballet technique and principles, with an emphasis on technique and performance.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • DAN 421 Modern Dance III (3 Credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 221  and DAN 321  or faculty approval/placement audition.
    Taught: Variable-chck w/dept
    Advanced training in classical and contemporary modern techniques and principles, with an emphasis on technique and performance.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • DAN 422 Jazz Dance III (3 Credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 222  and DAN 322  or faculty approval/placement audition.
    Taught: Variable-chck w/dept
    Advanced training in classical and contemporary jazz techniques and principles, with an emphasis on technique and performance.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • DAN 424 Tap Dance III (3 Credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 224  and DAN 324  or faculty approval/placement audition.
    Taught: Variable-chck w/dept
    Advanced training in classical and contemporary tap techniques and principles, with an emphasis on technique and performance.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • DAN 426 Advanced Dance Seminar II (2-6 credits)

    Hours: 0-2 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor or chair.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    More advanced level of dance training (all genres may be explored) for students majoring in theatre and for skilled dancers; all genres.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • DAN 427 Dance History (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 6 semester hours of dance.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Major contributing forces, key figures, and styles that helped form contemporary dance today.
    Repeatable: No
  • DAN 428 Special Problems in Dance (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-6 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 3 semester hours of dance.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Opportunity for additional advanced work in the dance student’s area of concentration. The studio technique allows the student to choose from among electives in specific areas of interest.
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 100 Theatre Appreciation - AH (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Survey of the development and practice of theatre through the study of theatre history, dramatic literature, practitioners, live performance and basic components of theatre.
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Culture and Creativity
  • TAR 100H Theatre Appreciation (Honors) - AH (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Spring only
    Survey of the development and practice of theatre through the study of theatre history, dramatic literature, practitioners, live performance, and basic components of theatre.
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Culture and Creativity
  • TAR 102 Race, Gender and Theatre - SB (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Exploration of race, gender and social issues which affect individuals, families, communities and society at large by the analysis and discussion of dramatic literature.
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Cultural Pluralism
  • TAR 102H Race, Gender, and Theatre (Honors) (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, winter, spring and summer
    Exploration of race, gender and social issues which affect individuals, families, communities and society at large by the analysis and discussion of dramatic literature. This is an honors section which will be held in a seminar style, which requires your full participation. In keeping the mission of honors, this course will look at texts meant to develop our global perspectives. At the same time, as is the nature of both honors and this course, we will celebrate difference and promote a sense of community. Please Note: It is not the intention of this course to influence students to think one way or another. It is the intention of this course to promote students to think.
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Cultural Pluralism
  • TAR 104 Introduction to NKU Theatre and Dance (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    An introduction to Theatre and Dance at Northern Kentucky University. Exploration of the different disciplines of theatre and dance available at NKU, as well as career possibilities, in performance, dance, and production. Required of all TAR and DAN majors and minors.
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 110 Acting I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Basic principles and techniques.
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 111 Creative Expression - OC (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Development and understanding of the oral communication process through the theory and practice of theatrical acting; utilizing the acting process as a communication tool, aide in improving oral communication skills, idea and message development, effective delivery of ideas.
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Oral Communication
  • TAR 114 Voice Development for the Actor I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Speech development as related to theatre; elimination of regional accents; introductory work with the International Phonetic Alphabet.
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 118 Stage Make Up (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Basic techniques and principles of stage makeup for the stage.
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 130 Musical Skills for the Musical Theatre (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Introduction to basic reading and understanding of musical concepts specific to vocalists; strong focus on the unique demands of the musical theatre.
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 160 Stagecraft (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Co-requisite(s): TAR 160L .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Basic elements of scenery construction or basic sewing skills for theatrical costumes overview of theatrical production emphasizing practical application.
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 160L Stagecraft Laboratory (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2-4 lab/studio
    Co-requisite(s): TAR 160 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Practical application of elements acquired in TAR 160 .
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 165 Comparative Arts - AH (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    A comparative study of the evolution of historical and period styles: Students will study an overview of the evolution of furniture, décor, painting, music and clothing. This evolution will be studied within the historical context that helped shape design within the era.
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Culture and Creativity
  • TAR 210 Acting II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): TAR 110 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Additional development of acting techniques and perceptions; greater emphasis on scene work and character development.
    Repeatable: No
  • TAR 211 Special Topics in Theatre (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to specialized theatre areas of study.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • TAR 213 Stage Combat (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): TAR 110 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to stage combat; hand fighting, quarterstaff, broadsword, and rapier and dagger; the stage fight in various periods and styles of dramatic literature.
    Repeatable: No

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