Feb 08, 2025  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Support and Policies

All regulations found in this section apply to regular 16 week courses held in the fall and spring semesters. These regulations will also apply to all short courses, especially summer offerings, in a time sequence proportional to the length of the session. Students are subject to being governed by the general university policies and their respective departmental policies.

Adding a Course

The online registration guide and online academic calendar list the dates when a student may add a course. A course should be added via myNKU as the official process.  Contact the Office of the University Registrar, Lucas Administrative Center 301, if guidance is needed.

When adding courses, a student should see the course load policy for allowable limits. Unless specified by an academic department, students do not need approval to add a course prior to the published last day to add. After the published deadline for adding a course, students will be permitted to enter a course only with approval from the instructor of the course, the graduate program director and an assistant dean of the college offering the course.

Withdrawing from a Course - Student Initiated

Unless otherwise required by an academic department, students do not need approval to drop a course if the drop is initiated prior to the published deadline to drop. Once the semester has begun, students may withdraw from a course only during the session or semester in which the course is taken.

There are three time periods that relate to withdrawing from a course. The online registration guide and online academic calendar list the relevant semester dates and their equivalencies for courses of differing lengths.

  • Weeks 1 through 3 or equivalent: during the first three weeks or equivalent of the semester, official course withdrawals are not reflected on the student’s transcript. That is, the transcript will not indicate that the student was ever registered for the course.
  • Weeks 4 through 10 or equivalent: a student who withdraws from a course after the third week of the semester (or equivalent) and prior to the end of the 10th week of the semester (or equivalent) will receive a grade of W for the course.
  • Weeks 11 through 14 or equivalent: course withdrawals after the 10th week or equivalent are not usually allowed. In circumstances beyond the student’s control, a W may be granted with approval of the instructor, graduate program director, and department chair or dean of the college the student’s program is housed in. In cases not approved, the student will receive the grade of F (failure).

Students withdrawing completely (withdrawing from all courses) after the 10th week need only the approval of the dean of the student’s program.

The instructor may not issue a W as the final grade for students who did not withdraw prior to the 10th week or equivalent if they are not covered by exceptions listed above.

Withdrawing from School

If, after midterm, a student wishes to withdraw completely from school, the student will need to submit a late withdrawal form signed by the dean of the college where the student’s program is housed.  Instructors will be notified of the withdrawal on revised class lists or final grade rosters by the Office of the University Registrar. Consult the Office of the University Registrar for exceptions to this policy.

The above regulations apply to fall and spring 16 week semesters. The dates for summer, eight-week fall and spring terms, and winter term adds/drops depend upon the session in which the course is taken. The last dates to add or withdraw from a course will be printed in the Registration Guide for each semester.

Student Absence Due to Military Service

Northern Kentucky University recognizes and appreciates the important contributions made by Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, ROTC military students in service to their country of allegiance. The university understands that students may be called into active military service for periods longer than 14 days or be required to be absent from class for shorter durations to fulfill military obligations.

The University has adopted an Active Duty Military Absence option to be considered for absences longer than 14 days. The University also has developed a Short-Term Military Absence policy for absences that exceed the attendance policy for the course(s) or last up to two weeks during the fall and spring semesters. The Short-Term Military Absence policy will apply to an equivalent time period in reduced semesters (e.g., 8-week terms and summer terms). 

Examples of Active Duty Military Absence include but are not limited to:  individual or unit calls to active duty for deployment, natural disaster response, or receipt of military permanent change of station orders. Short-Term Military Absences may include funeral honor guard details, periodic training/drill obligations, ROTC field training exercises or service related medical appointments.

Students must provide instructors with maximum advance notice of absences and provide copies of their official military documentation (paper, electronic orders, or a unit’s memorandum). It is the responsibility of the student to request the opportunity to complete missed work, and to complete coursework according to the terms mutually agreed upon between the instructor and the student. Registration for those courses in which instructors accommodate the absence will remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees will be assessed in full for those courses. 

The Certifying Official and Office of the University Registrar will collaborate together and obtain a copy of the official military documentation. The Certifying Official and the Office of the University Registrar will work with the student and instructor to ensure complete understanding of the policy and the impact of the policy on the academic record, All parties will be notified and provide assistance in completing the form if necessary. If the student is serving in a country other than the United States, International Student and Scholar Services may be required to verify the student’s military necessity for withdrawal.

Once the student is aware of call to duty, the student must discuss their circumstances with the Certifying Official in the Veterans Resource Station. The student will be advised of the policy and given a Student Absence Due to Military Service form. Any withdrawal from the university may impact current and future VA benefits.

If a withdrawal is under any consideration the student will immediately notify and collaborate with the instructor. After discussion with the instructor, the only viable option may be to withdraw from some or all classes. Should a withdrawal be necessary or adjustments be made for a course, the student will follow the procedures identified in option A and B found in the Absence Due to Military Service Form.

The student should see the Certifying Official in the Veterans Resource Station. The student will be advised of the policy and given a Student Absence Due to Military Service form.  If a withdrawal is under any consideration the student will immediately notify and collaborate with the instructor.

The Certifying Official will collect a copy of the official military documentation and a completed Absence form. Any questions regarding the decision will be answered and explained to the student.

Per the student’s form, the following may occur:
        a.   Withdraw from all classes with a 100% refund with the report date used as the effective withdrawal date. Student is then de-registered using “Military/Civil Service” as reason for withdrawal.
        b.   Certifying official will request the grade earned to date by the report date from each instructor, and that grade will be recorded by the official in the Office of the University Registrar. Student is then de-registered using “Military/Civil Service” as reason for withdrawal.
        c.   Withdrawal from selected courses as indicated on the Notification form with the report date used as the effective withdrawal date.

Required reporting, outside of notifying Student Account Services, Financial Assistance and the instructors, includes notifying the VA Education Division for students using a GI Bill or VA Education Benefit. This will be done by the Certifying Official within 30 days of the withdrawal date. Student Account Services will process and return any federal Tuition Assistance refunds, and Financial Assistance will process and return any state Tuition Assistance refunds in accordance to Title IV.

Late submissions can be accepted and processed. However, retroactive withdrawals cannot be processed more than 6 months from the “end of active duty” date.  The Office of the University Registrar and the Certifying Official will verify end dates to determine whether or not a late withdrawal will be allowed.

Any withdrawals not included on the Absence form, meaning submitted by the student using myNKU, will be processed in accordance with the dates published on the University’s Academic Calendar and may not be eligible for a refund. Appeals will be considered within 6 months of the “end of active duty” date. The student will need to provide a copy of the official military documentation before an appeal will be considered.

Removal from a Course - University Initiated

A student who, without previous arrangement with the instructor or department, fails to attend the first class meeting of a given term may be dropped from the course. An instructor may drop a student for nonattendance only during the regular drop/add period of the term as defined by the academic calendar. Nonattendance does not release students from the responsibility to officially drop any course for which they have enrolled and choose not to complete.

A student may also be dropped from a course as a result of his or her disruptive classroom behavior. See the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (http://scra.nku.edu/policies/student-rights.html) for more information.

Removal Initiated by Graduate Program Director

Drops may be initiated by graduate program directors. The drop may be initiated if the graduate program director is notified by the instructor that the student has not attended class during the first two class meetings of the semester. A drop also can be initiated by the graduate program director if the student does not have the proper prerequisite, co-requisite, or consent of the instructor or has been found to be in violation of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Class Attendance

NKU students are expected to attend the first day of each course for which they are enrolled.

For classes meeting more than once per week

If a student does not attend the first class meeting and has not contacted the instructor in advance to declare this absence, the instructor may drop the student for nonattendance. If the student also misses the second class meeting and still has not contacted the instructor about the absences beforehand, the instructor is compelled to drop this student for nonattendance.

For classes meeting only once per week

If the student misses the first class meeting and has not contacted the instructor about this absence beforehand, the instructor is compelled to drop this student for non-attendance.

For online classes

If the student does not log onto Blackboard and access course materials or contact the instructor during the first week of classes, the instructor is compelled to drop this student for non-participation (i.e., nonattendance). Classroom participation is essential to the educational process in many disciplines. If a portion of the final grade is dependent upon classroom participation, the instructor will make a statement to that effect in the course syllabus. The syllabus will be provided to students no later than the first week of classes. Regardless of attendance policy, students are responsible for familiarity with material disseminated in the class and are not released from this responsibility due to nonattendance. Students are responsible for becoming familiar with the deadlines that are published by the Office of the University Registrar regarding add/drop and withdraw dates. Students who do not officially withdraw prior to published deadlines, and fail to successfully complete required coursework, will receive a failing grade.


The university is required to return federal Title IV aid for students who have never attended a class for which they are registered. If students do not attend a class and do not submit a formal drop/withdrawal, they will be held responsible for tuition.

Course Evaluations

Evaluations are an important means of gathering information about instructors and courses. The information submitted will be used for the enhancement of student learning opportunities. It is an important responsibility of NKU students to participate responsibly in the instructor and course evaluation process and to include thoughtfully written comments.

Evaluation periods begin 1 week prior to final exams for the 8-week courses or 2 weeks prior to final exams for a full-semester course. Students are notified via email when the online evaluation process is available and are sent a reminder every three days until evaluations are completed. The evaluations ask students to reflect upon what they have learned in each of their courses, the extent to which they have invested the necessary effort to maximize learning, and the role the instructor played in the learning process.

Students who complete an evaluation for a particular course or select “opt out” within the online evaluation instrument will have access to their course grade as soon as the grade is submitted by the instructor.

Students who do not complete the course evaluation and do not select “opt out” within the online evaluation instrument will incur a 2-week delay in viewing the course grade, obtaining an unofficial and official transcript, and running a degree audit. The delay starts after the university’s official date for grade availability.

Student evaluations are strictly confidential, and results are not available to instructors until after final grades for the course are posted. The university has established extensive precautions to prevent individual student comments from being identified.

For more information and to view the instructor and course evaluation schedule visit the student evaluation homepage (http://eval.nku.edu).

Course Numbering

Courses numbered 499 and below are considered undergraduate-level courses and should not be taken by students who want to take a course for graduate credit. Courses numbered 500 to 599 may be taken by juniors and seniors for undergraduate credit and by graduate students for graduate credit. Students who take a 500-level course with the intention of earning graduate credit must have submitted a graduate application and been admitted by the Office of Graduate Education.

Only graduate students are allowed to take courses numbered 600 and above.

No more than 25% of a student’s graduate coursework may be taken at the 500 level. With the approval of the Graduate Council new programs may be given a waiver of this regulation at the time they are approved.

Registration Holds

Registration holds prevent students from registering for courses. They are most often established because the student is required to meet with his or her advisor prior to registering or because the student owes money to the university. Registration holds must be resolved before a student can register online via myNKU. The student can still search for courses and place them in the registration cart, but the student must contact the office that placed the hold and resolve the issue before being able to register. For advising and probation holds, the student should contact their graduate program director to make arrangements for release of these holds. If a student has a fee-related hold, the fee must be paid before the hold will be released.

Transcript Availability

Transcripts of NKU coursework are available upon request. Students must request their official transcript through the National Student Clearinghouse. More information on this process can be found on the Office of the University Registrar website. Students may view and print an unofficial transcript through myNKU. Availability of official transcripts is limited at the end of each semester to accommodate final grading. NOTE: The section on course evaluations explains why a student’s access to his or her transcript can be delayed.

Northern Kentucky University charges a fee for each transcript. For regular mailed or picked-up transcripts, the fee is $7 per copy. For expedited service transcripts (one to two business days), the fee is $10 per copy. Normal processing time for a non-expedited transcript is up to 15 business days. Processing time does not reflect delivery time.

Transcripts Received from Other Institutions

When NKU receives transcripts from another institution, the transcripts are considered property of NKU. NKU does not reproduce or copy transcripts received from any sending institutions. Students should seek copies of transcripts from the institution that originally issued the transcript.


The diploma, which documents that one has earned a degree, is issued and dated only after all graduation requirements are met. NKU awards degrees in May, August, and December. Diplomas are then mailed to the recipient’s designated address. It generally takes 6-8 weeks for the diploma to arrive.

Academic Honesty

NKU is dedicated to creating an environment conducive to the development of educated and intellectually curious people. Cheating and plagiarism are in opposition to this environment. Therefore, NKU requires that all work submitted by a student be a product of that student’s own ideas and words.

Plagiarism is defined as using someone else’s thoughts and/or words and allowing other people to believe they are your own. It does not matter whether this is done intentionally or unintentionally. One is plagiarizing if one uses specific words, phrasing, or ideas of others without using quotation marks and citations. When paraphrasing an idea or sentence, the original source of that material must be cited.

Cheating is defined as copying from someone else’s exam, purchasing a paper to be submitted as your own, or using books and notes during exams (in class or take-home) when expressly forbidden to do so.

These examples of cheating and plagiarism are not meant to be exhaustive. Rather they are to be used as basic guidelines for appropriate academic behavior.

NKU takes academic dishonesty very seriously. A student found responsible of cheating or plagiarism may be sanctioned to an oral or written reprimand, a grade reduction or an F in the course, examination or assignment or course, or can be recommended for suspension or expulsion from the University. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form. All work submitted by a student must represent that student’s own ideas and effort; when the work does not, the student has engaged in academic dishonesty.

Misrepresentation of NKU Credentials

Any person reporting their accomplishments or relationship with NKU is expected to do so in a completely truthful manner. Misrepresentation of accomplishments may relate to, but is not limited to, grades, coursework, co-curricular activities, honors, certificates, and degrees. Anyone misrepresenting his or her work or accomplishments at NKU may be barred from future enrollment and graduation from NKU. In addition, such behavior may be subject to criminal or civil prosecution.

Academic Requirements and Regulations Updates

The colleges of the university reserve the right to change requirements. Program changes will become effective at the beginning of the next fall semester and are applicable only to new students and to readmitted students as stipulated elsewhere in this catalog under Catalog of Record. Changes in program requirements with any other effective date require the approval of the provost; such changes will become effective when posted in the Lucas Administrative Center, the University Center, the Student Union, the Office of Graduate Education (for graduate programs only), and in each academic building. Students should refer any inquiries to the appropriate dean or the university registrar.

Email Accounts

All NKU students automatically receive campus email accounts that become activated when you obtain your NKU All Card. More information on your email account can be found by visiting: http://it.nku.edu/email.html.

Online Graduate Programs and Courses

Technology Requirements

NKU uses Blackboard, a web portal that offers easy access to course materials and the ability to communicate with instructors and classmates from one location. NKU recommends the following minimum computer capabilities for online learning:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or higher or MAC OS 10.7 or newer
  • Web browser: Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari
  • Software: Microsoft Office is strongly recommended. Some instructors require assignments to be completed using Office. Students can also download free viewers from Microsoft.com for PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc.
  • Students must have access to a webcam and microphone.

Students must also have the ability to navigate the web and handle multiple open windows. In addition, students must have knowledge of how to send and receive email and the ability to open, close, and save files and attachments.

Online Degree and Certificate Programs

The credits required for the following degree and certificate programs can be earned entirely online. For more information, visit http://nkuonline.nku.edu.

  • Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
  • Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing
  • Nurse Practitioner Advancement
  • Master of Science in Health Informatics
  • Graduate Certificate in Health Informatics
  • Master of Science in Business Informatics
  • Graduate Certificate in Business Informatics
  • Master of Arts in Education: Teacher as Leader (Gifted and Talented, English as a Second Language, and Instructional Computer Technology endorsement areas)
  • Rank 1 in Education (Gifted and Talented, English as a Second Language, and Instructional Computer Technology endorsement areas)
  • Education Specialist in Educational Leadership
  • Master of Science in Health Science
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice

To search for online courses in the myNKU Search for classes tab, select one of the following in the Delivery Mode drop down box:

  • Leave “blank” for face-to-face courses on the Highland Heights campus and select Highland Heights for the Campus/Location.
  • “Online Program (Online Majors Only)” if you are completing your program online.
  • “Online Program” if you are completing your program on campus, but want the convenience of an online course.

Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities is designed to ensure that students enjoy intellectual freedom, fair and legal treatment, the freedom of speech both on and off campus, freedom of press, the right of peaceable assembly, the right to petition for redress of grievances, the right to a fair hearing of charges made against one, and the right to responsible participation in the university community. Rights imply responsibilities; therefore members of the university community must show both initiative and restraint. The code is endorsed by the Student Government Association, Faculty Senate, Staff Congress, and university administration, and approved by the NKU Board of Regents.

It is incumbent upon students to be aware of university regulations. Ignorance of these regulations does not excuse students from adherence to them. The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities is available online at http://scra.nku.edu/Infostudents/Infostudents.html

Privacy Rights: FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords students certain rights with respect to their education records, including:. 

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the university receives a request for access.
    1. Students should submit to the university registrar, dean, head of the academic department or other appropriate official a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect.
    2. The university official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
    3. If the records are not maintained by the university official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
    1. Students may ask the university to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the university official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
    2. If the university decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the university will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
    1. Disclosure without the student’s consent is permissible to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the university has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Regents; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
    2. FERPA allows the institution to routinely release information defined as “directory information.” The following student information is included in the definition: the student’s name, address, email address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletics teams, dates of attendance, enrollment status (including full time, part time, not enrolled, withdrawn, and date of withdrawal), degree and awards received, and the most recent previous education agency or institution attended by the student. When a student wants the directory information to remain confidential, an official request form must be completed in the Office of the University Registrar (Lucas Administrative Center 301).
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by NKU to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-8520

  1. Students who have questions about FERPA, would like to grant access to their educational records to a third party, or wish to see their records should contact NKU’s Office of the University Registrar at 859-572-5556 or email the university registrar at registrar@nku.edu.

ADA Policy

The Office of Disability Programs and Services (http://disability.nku.edu) provides academic accommodations and auxiliary aids to individuals with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The office staff are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and a supportive environment for qualified students with disabilities to ensure equal access to the university’s programs and curricula.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy

In order to ensure the university’s commitment to a quality educational and work environment, every faculty member, employee and student has a right to work and learn in an environment free from the effects of abuse of alcohol and other drugs. It is the policy of the university to discourage the misuse and abuse of alcoholic beverages and other drugs.

NKU prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol on its property or as a part of its activities. A clear statement of unacceptable conduct and consequences related to substance abuse is found in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Students may be accountable to both civil authorities and to the university for acts that constitute violations of both the law and the student code. Those charged with violations are subject to university disciplinary proceedings pending criminal proceedings and may not challenge university proceedings on grounds that criminal charges for the same incident have been dismissed, reduced, or not yet adjudicated.

The following misconduct is subject to disciplinary action:

  • Unauthorized distribution, possession, or use of any controlled substance, illegal drug, or paraphernalia as defined by Kentucky Revised Statutes, chapter 218A, on university premises or at university-sponsored activities.
  • The use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages on university property except as authorized by university policy.
  • Appearing in a public place on university premises or at university-sponsored activities manifestly under the influence of a controlled or other intoxicating substance to the degree that there is danger to self, others, or property, or there is unreasonable annoyance to persons in the vicinity.
  • Aiding or abetting any conduct described above.

The legal drinking age in Kentucky is 21. Individuals are personally responsible for knowing the laws that apply to substance abuse in Kentucky. In particular, individuals should be aware of the legal consequences for violation of the legal age, use of false identification, drunk driving, and the sale or distribution of illicit drugs.

Recognizing that alcohol and drug abuse are serious problems in our society, NKU offers a variety of educational and assistance programs to the student population. For more information, students should contact Office of Health, Counseling, and Student Wellness, University Center 440, or by calling 859-572-5650.

Tobacco-Free Policy

Northern Kentucky University is a tobacco-free campus.

Tobacco use at all university-owned, operated, and leased properties is covered by this policy. Tobacco products are therefore prohibited in all interior and exterior building space, outside ground areas, walkways and parking structures, indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, and vehicles.

Numerous products are prohibited by this campus policy. They include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookah-smoked products, and oral tobacco such as spit/spitless, smokeless, chew, and snuff products. Products that contain tobacco flavoring or simulate tobacco use, such as electronic cigarettes, are also prohibited.

Violations of this policy will be addressed by the appropriate administrative departments. Concerns about tobacco use will be respectfully addressed. Support resources are available online at tobaccofree.nku.edu.

Sexual Misconduct

Northern Kentucky University is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive educational and work environment free from sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual intercourse, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, dating and intimate partner violence, relationship and domestic violence, stalking and genderbased bullying. Gender-based and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, are forms of sex discrimination in that they deny or limit an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from university educational programs or activities and employment.

The university fosters a safe and inclusive educational and work environment by providing educational and preventative programs regarding sexual or gender-based harassment; encouraging reporting of incidents and providing prompt and equitable methods of investigation and resolution; making available appropriate and timely services; remedying any harm, and preventing its recurrence. Violations of this policy may result in corrective action up to, and including, termination for faculty and staff, or sanctions up to and including expulsion for students, as determined by the university.

Retaliation against an individual for raising an allegation of sexual or gender-based harassment, for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint, or for opposing discriminatory practices is prohibited. Submitting a complaint that is not in good faith or providing false or misleading information in any investigation of complaints is also prohibited.

Nothing in this policy shall be construed to abridge academic freedom and inquiry, principles of free speech, or the University’s educational mission.

Our current guidelines regarding personal relationships can be found in the Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct as well as the faculty handbook.

Northern Kentucky University is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive educational and work environment that is free from sexual misconduct and to ensuring our compliance with legal requirements.

In addition to being a violation of university policy, sexual misconduct is prohibited by state and federal laws, including: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the University’s educational programs or activities and work environment; relevant sections of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in employment and Kentucky state laws and university policies that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex.

This policy applies to all members of the NKU community, including faculty, staff, students, guests and visitors whether the behavior occurs on or off-campus at university sponsored events. It also applies to all participants in academic, co-curricular, research, training, or other programs or activities sponsored by NKU on or off campus.

Northern Kentucky University does not discriminate based on national origin, race, color, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, genetic information, pregnancy, and Uniform Services or veteran status in its educational programs and activities, employment, daily operations and admissions policies, in accordance with all applicable federal, state local laws and university policies. No retaliation shall be initiated against any person who makes a good faith report of a violation.

Federal and state laws and university policy prohibit the taking of retaliatory measures against any individual who files a complaint in good faith. Retaliation against an individual for raising an allegation of sexual or gender-based harassment, for cooperating in an investigation of such a complaint, or for opposing discriminatory practices is prohibited. Submitting a complaint that is not in good faith or providing false or misleading information in any investigation of complaints is also prohibited. Students: If you are a student who believes you have been or are the victim of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking or other sexual misconduct, you may report such conduct or file a complaint under Title IX with the Deputy Title IX Coordinator in the Dean of Students Office 859-572-5147. Complaints of student sexual misconduct are addressed by the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

The university recognizes that a student who is under the influence of alcohol and or drugs at the time of an incident may be hesitant to make a report because of a threat of disciplinary sanctions for her or his own violation of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. A student who reports sexual misconduct, either as a complainant or third party witness will not face disciplinary charges under the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Submitting a complaint that is not in good faith or providing false or misleading information in any investigation of complaints is prohibited.

In accordance with Title IX regulations, the university has designated Kathleen Roberts as the university’s Title IX Coordinator. She is charged with monitoring compliance with these regulations. The Deputy Title IX Coordinators are responsible for investigating allegations of sexual misconduct.

Contact Information:

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Kathleen Roberts, Senior Advisor to the President for Inclusive Excellence

Inclusive Excellence Administrative Center, room 834

Highland Heights, KY 41076

Phone: (859) 572-6630

Email: robertsk10@nku.edu

Incidents involving students:

Ann James, Sr. Associate Dean and Director of the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Advocacy, Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students

Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Advocacy Student Union, room 301

Highland Heights, KY 41076

Phone: (859) 572-5147

Email: jamesa3@nku.edu

NKU Resources:


EMERGENCY CONTACT: (859) 572-7777

Non-Emergency Contact: (859) 572-5500

Website:  police.nku.edu; you can view NKU safety and security information by clicking below: Annual Campus Security Report Daily Crime Log

Email: police@nku.edu


Non-Emergency Contact: (859) 572-5500

Dean of Students/Student Engagement Student Union - third floor

Phone: (859) 572-5685

Website: http://nvp.nku.edu/


Student Union, room 309

Phone: (859) 572-5835

Website: http://lgbtq.nku.edu/


University Center, room 440

Phone: (859) 572-5650

Email: hcsw@nku.edu

Website: http://hcsw.nku.edu/

Statement of Nondiscrimination

Northern Kentucky University does not discriminate based on national origin, race, color, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, genetic information, pregnancy, and Uniform Services or veteran status in its educational programs and activities, employment, daily operations and admissions policies, in accordance with all applicable federal, state local laws and university policies. No retaliation shall be initiated against any person who makes a good faith report of a violation.

Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities (GCCCU)

Through an agreement with the Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities, current NKU students may register for courses offered by other consortium institutions. Course credit and/or grades will be posted on the NKU transcript and treated as though earned at NKU. Quarter hours are converted into semester hours on a two-thirds basis. Complete information may be obtained at http://inside.nku.edu/registrar/registration/gcccu.html.


To participate in the consortium during the fall and spring, students must be enrolled in at least three (3) hours of graduate course work from NKU during the semester in which a consortium course is taken. During the summer, graduate students may enroll in a consortium class without being enrolled in an NKU course provided they were enrolled at NKU at least half time during the preceding spring semester. Students must be degree seeking and may enroll for no more than two courses at the host institution in one semester. Students may not take a course through the GCCCU that will be offered by NKU within one calendar year unless they have applied officially for graduation and the required course is scheduled after the student will have graduated. Students cannot have registration holds. Students must observe all regulations of the host institution. Students must obtain written permission in advance from their graduate program director, director of graduate programs, and the vice provost for undergraduate academic affairs before registering for courses through the consortium at other colleges or universities, and the graduate program director must approve acceptance of any GCCCU course as part of the student’s degree program.


Cross registration forms are available in the Office of the University Registrar.

GCCCU Tuition and Fees

In addition to regular tuition charges at NKU, students will be required to pay course-related fees at the host institution.

Member Institutions Offering Graduate Credit:

  • Art Academy of Cincinnati
  • Athenaeum of Ohio
  • Cincinnati Christian University
  • Mount St. Joseph University
  • Hebrew Union College/Jewish Institute of Religion
  • Miami University
  • Northern Kentucky University
  • Thomas More College
  • University of Cincinnati
  • Union Institute & University
  • Xavier University

Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education

Through an agreement between the Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities and Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education, NKU students may register for courses offered by the latter in fall and spring semesters if the courses needed are not available at the GCCCU schools. The same regulations apply as for the Greater Cincinnati Consortium.

Member Institutions:

  • Air Force Institute of Technology
  • Cedarville University
  • Central State University
  • United Theological Seminary
  • University of Dayton
  • Urbana University
  • Wright State University