Feb 09, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Advanced Placement (AP)

High school students may receive credit by earning the required score on an approved AP examination. An appropriate number of semester hours will be awarded, and a grade of pass (P) will be assigned for successful completion of approved courses. Information concerning the AP program may be obtained from a high school counselor. Official AP scores should be sent to NKU’s Office of Admissions (Lucas Administrative Center 400). Additional information on regulations and approved NKU programs for AP credit may be obtained from the Office of Admissions. Examination scores range from 1 to 5. Subject areas in which a student may receive credit from NKU by earning acceptable scores are listed below.

Credit for those areas marked by an asterisk (*) must be coordinated with the chair of the relevant department.

AP Research Capstone 3, 4, 5 Elective 200T 3
AP Seminar Capstone 3, 4, 5 Elective 200T 3
Art, General 3, 4, 5 ART 100 Art Appreciation 3
Art, Drawing 3, 4, 5 ART 100T Elective Credit  3
Art, Studio 2D 3, 4, 5 ART 130 Creating Visual Form 3
Art, Studio 3D 3, 4, 5 ART 135 Creating Visual Order 3
Art History 3, 4, 5  ARTH 101 History of Art: Prehistoric through Goth  AND
 ARTH 102 Survey of Western Art II 
Biological Sciences 3  BIO 120 Understanding the Living World 4
Biological Sciences 4, 5 BIO 150 /BIO 150L Introduction to Biology I with laboratory
OR BIO 120/BIO 120L Understanding the Living World
Calculus AB* 3  MAT 128 Calculus A –OR–  MAT 112 Applied Calculus 3
Calculus AB* 4, 5  MAT 129 Calculus I  4
Calculus BC* 3  MAT 129 Calculus I  4
Calculus BC* 4, 5 MAT 129 Calculus I AND
MAT 229 Calculus II
Chemistry* 3 CHE 120/CHE 120L General Chemistry I with laboratory 4
Chemistry* 4, 5 CHE 120/CHE 120L General Chemistry I with laboratory AND
CHE 121/CHE 121L General Chemistry II with laboratory
Chinese Language and Culture 3 CHI 201 Intermediate Chinese I
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for CHI 101 Elementary Chinese I and CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II by completing CHI 202 Intermediate Chinese II and receiving a grade of C- or better
Chinese Language and Culture 4, 5 CHI 202 Intermediate Chinese II 3
Computer Science A 3, 4, 5 CSC 260/CSC 260L Object-Oriented Programming I with Laboratory 3
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, 5 CSC 100T Computer Science Elective Credit 3
English Language/ Composition 3 ENG 101 College Writing 3
English Language/ Composition 4, 5 ENG 101 College Writing AND
ENG 291 Advanced College Writing
English Literature/ Composition 3, 4, 5 ENG 200 Understanding Literature 3
Environmental Science 3, 4, 5 ENV 110 Introduction to Environmental Science and Issues 3
European History 3, 4, 5 HIS 100 History of Europe to 1713 AND
HIS 101 History of Europe, 1713 to the Present
French Language and Culture 3 FRE 201 Intermediate French I
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for FRE 101 Elementary French I and FRE 102 Elementary French II by completing FRE 202 Intermediate French II and receiving a grade of C- or better
French Language and Culture 4 FRE 202 Intermediate French II
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for FRE 101 Elementary French I, FRE 102 Elementary French II, and FRE 201 Intermediate French I by completing a FRE 300-level course with a grade of C- or better
French Language and Culture 5 FRE 304 French Composition and Conversation
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for FRE 101 Elementary French I, FRE 102 Elementary French II, FRE 201 Intermediate French I, and FRE 202 Intermediate French II by completing a 300-level course or higher with a grade of C- or better
German Language and Culture 3 GER 201 Intermediate German I
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for GER 101 Elementary German I and GER 102 Elementary German II by completing GER 202 Intermediate German II and receiving a grade of C- or better
German Language and Culture 4 GER 202 Intermediate German II
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for GER 101 Elementary German I, GER 102 Elementary German II, and GER 201 Intermediate German I by completing a GER 300-level course with a grade of C- or better
German Language and Culture 5 GER 304 German Composition and Conversation
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for GER 101 Elementary German I, GER 102 Elementary German II, GER 201 Intermediate German I, and GER 202 Intermediate German II by completing a 300-level course or higher with a grade of C- or better
Government and Politics - U.S. 3, 4, 5 PSC 100 American Politics 3
Government and Politics - Comp. 3, 4, 5 PSC 102 Comparative Politics 3
Human Geography 3, 4, 5 GEO 100 Global Viewpoints: Geography and the Human Landscape 3
Italian Language and Culture 3 ITA 201 Intermediate Italian I 3
Italian Language and Culture 4, 5 ITA 202 Intermediate Italian II 3
Japanese Language and Culture 3 JPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for JPN 101 Elementary Japanese I and JPN 102 Elementary Japanese II by completing JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II and receiving a grade of C- or better.
Japanese Language and Culture 4, 5 JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II 3
Latin: Virgil 3, 4, 5 LAT 101 Elementary Latin I 3
Macroeconomics 3, 4, 5 ECO 200 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
Microeconomics 3, 4, 5 ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Music 3, 4, 5 MUS 122 Music Theory I AND
MUS 124 Aural Skills I AND
MUS 125 Aural Skills II
Physics 1 3, 4, 5 PHY 211 General Physics with Laboratory I 5
Physics 2 3, 4, 5 PHY 213 General Physics with Laboratory II 5
Physics B 3 PHY 110 Introduction to Physics with Laboratory 4
Physics B 4 PHY 211 General Physics with Laboratory I 5
Physics B 5 PHY 211 General Physics with Laboratory I AND
PHY 213 General Physics with Laboratory II
Physics C
3 PHY 211 General Physics with Laboratory I 5
Physics C
4, 5 PHY 220 University Physics with Laboratory I 4
Physics C
3 PHY 213 General Physics with Laboratory II 5
Physics C
4, 5 PHY 222 University Physics with Laboratory II 4
Psychology 3, 4, 5 PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology 3
Spanish Language 3 SPI 201 Intermediate Spanish I
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I and SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II by completing SPI 202 Intermediate Spanish II and receiving a grade of C- or better
Spanish Language 4 SPI 202 Intermediate Spanish II
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I, SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II, and SPI 201 Intermediate Spanish I by completing a SPI 300-level course with a grade of C- or better
Spanish Language 5 SPI 304 Spanish Composition and Conversation
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I, SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II, SPI 201 Intermediate Spanish I, and SPI 202 Intermediate Spanish II by completing a 300-level course or higher with a grade of C- or better
Spanish Literature 3 SPI 201 Intermediate Spanish I
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I and SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II by completing SPI 202 Intermediate Spanish II and receiving a grade of C- or better
Spanish Literature 4 SPI 202 Intermediate Spanish II
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I, SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II, and SPI 201 Intermediate Spanish I by completing a SPI 300-level course with a grade of C- or better
Spanish Literature 5 SPI 304 Spanish Composition and Conversation
Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I, SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II, SPI 201 Intermediate Spanish I, and SPI 202 Intermediate Spanish II by completing a 300-level course or higher with a grade of C- or better
Statistics 3, 4, 5 STA 212 Statistics for Business Applications I OR
STA 205 Introduction to Statistical Methods OR
STA 113 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
U.S. History 3, 4, 5 HIS 102 History of U.S. through 1877 AND
HIS 103 History of U.S. since 1877
World History 3, 4, 5 HIS 108 World History to 1500 AND
HIS 109 World History since 1500

American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS)

NKU students who have taken and received a passing score on a certification examination from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), as determined by the Department of Allied Health, will receive credit for equivalent NKU courses.

Examinations may be primary or post-primary examinations. An example of a primary examination is the ARRT exam for radiography. Students who have graduated from a program that is/was accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology but is not housed in a college that is/was regionally accredited would receive credit for radiography courses comparable to what would have been completed in an associate degree program at NKU. Post-primary exams are administered to those who have already completed an associate degree at a regionally accredited institution, passed the primary examination in their discipline, transferred credit for professional coursework to NKU and subsequently studied didactic content, demonstrated clinical competence and passed a post-primary exam in radiography, nuclear medicine, sonography, respiratory care or other health care discipline.

The chart below lists the examinations, pre-requisites, minimum score, the equivalent NKU courses and the maximum number of hours.


ARDMS - Secondary credentialing exam leading to different credential

ARDMS - SPI and specialty (e.g. RDMS, RDCS, RVT, or RMSKS

RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Practicum: Advanced Imaging


American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)

NKU students who have taken and received a passing score on a certification examination from the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) as determined by the Department of Allied Health, will receive credit for equivalent NKU courses.

Examinations may be primary or post-primary examinations. An example of a primary examination is the ARRT exam for radiography. Students who have graduated from a program that is/was accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology but is not housed in a college that is/was regionally accredited would receive credit for radiography courses comparable to what would have been completed in an associate degree program at NKU. Post-primary exams are administered to those who have already completed an associate degree at a regionally accredited institution, passed the primary examination in their discipline, transferred credit for professional coursework to NKU and subsequently studied didactic content, demonstrated clinical competence and passed a post-primary exam in radiography, nuclear medicine, sonography, respiratory care or other health care discipline.

The chart below lists the examinations, prerequisites, minimum score, the equivalent NKU courses and the maximum number of hours.

ARRT - Computed Tomography (CT) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) or Therapy; R.T.(T) or NMTCB; CNMT RAD 470 Advanced Imaging
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII
ARRT - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) or Therapy R.T.(T) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII
ARRT - Mammography (M) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII
ARRT - Bone Densitometry (BD) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII
ARRT - Cardiac Interventional (CI) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII
ARRT - Vascular-Interventional (VI) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII
ARRT - Cardiovascular-Interventional (CV) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII
ARRT - Radiation Therapy (T) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII
ARRT - Radiography (R) Graduation from JRCERT accredited program and R.T.(R) RAD 200 Introduction to Radiography
RAD 208 Radiographic Procedures I
RAD 208L Radiographic Positioning Lab I
RAD 209 Radiographic Procedures II
RAD 209L Radiographic Procedures Lab II
RAD 214 Analysis of Radiographic Quality
RAD 214L Analysis of Radiographic Quality Lab
RAD 216 Physical Principles of Radiographic Equipment
RAD 286 Radiographic Practicum I
RAD 296 Radiographic Practicum II
RAD 308 Radiographic Procedures III
RAD 309 Radiographic Procedures IV
RAD 340 Radiation Biology & Protection
RAD 350 Clinical Pathology for Radiographers
RAD 376 Radiographic Practicum III
RAD 386 Radiographic Practicum IV
RAD 396 Radiographic Practicum V
RAD 480 Radiography Seminar
ARRT - Sonography (S) ARRT - Radiography; R.T.(R) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP, a national program of credit by examination administered by the College Board, was adopted at NKU to provide individuals with an opportunity to earn credit by examination. The Office of Testing Services at NKU is a recognized CLEP testing center and provides information about the tests as well as administering them. A grade of pass (P) will be assigned for the successful passage of a CLEP examination. Students are urged to consult their advisors before registering for CLEP exams.

The chart below shows, for each CLEP exam accepted by NKU, the minimum score, the semester credit hours earned with that score, and the equivalent NKU courses. NKU requires submission of an official score report. (The university reserves the right to revise these listings in accord with recommendations from the American Council on Education). Check the university’s testing website (http://testing.nku.edu) for updates.

American Government 50 PSC 100 American Politics 3
American Literature 50 ENG 208 Survey of American Literature I AND
ENG 209 Survey of American Literature II
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 ENG 200 Understanding Literature 3
Calculus 50 MAT 129 Calculus I 4
College Composition (English Composition with Essay) 50 ENG 101 College Writing 3
College Algebra 50 MAT 109 Algebra for College Students 3
College Mathematics 50 MAT 100G Elective Credit 3
Biology 50 BIO 120/BIO 120L Understanding the Living World with Lab 4
Chemistry (no lab credit awarded) 50 CHE 120 General Chemistry I AND
CHE 121 General Chemistry II
English Literature 50 ENG 202 Survey of British Literature I AND
ENG 203 Survey of British Literature II
Financial Accounting 50 ACC 200 Principles of Accounting I - Financial 3

French Language

50 - 58 FRE 101 Elementary French I AND
FRE 102 Elementary French II
59+ FRE 101 Elementary French I AND
FRE 102 Elementary French II AND
FRE 201 Intermediate French I AND
FRE 202 Intermediate French II

German Language

50 - 59 GER 101 Elementary German I AND
GER 102 Elementary German II
60+ GER 101 Elementary German I AND
GER 102 Elementary German II AND
GER 201 Intermediate German I AND
GER 202 Intermediate German II
Human Growth and Development 50 EDU 300 Human Growth and Development 3
Humanities 50 GCC 100G - Elective Credit 3
Information Systems and Computer Applications 50 BIS 300T - Elective Transfer Credit 3
Introductory Business Law 50 BUS 230 Legal Environment 3
Introductory Psychology 50 PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology 3
Introductory Sociology 50 SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology 3
Natural Science 50 SCI 100G - General Education Credit (no lab) 3
PLC - General Physics II 60 PHY 213 General Physics II 5
Pre-Calculus 50 MAT 119 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 3
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 ECO 200 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
Principles of Management 50 MGT 205 Business Management Principles 3
Principles of Marketing 50 MKT 205 Principles of Marketing 3
Principles of Microeconomics 50 ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Social Science-History 50 SSHI 100G - Elective Credit 3

Spanish Language

50 - 62 SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I AND
SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II
63+ SPI 101 Elementary Spanish I AND
SPI 102 Elementary Spanish II AND
SPI 201 Intermediate Spanish I AND
SPI 202 Intermediate Spanish II
U.S. History I: Early Colonization to 1877 50 HIS 102 History of the United States through 1877 3
U.S. History II: 1865 to Present 50 HIS 103 History of the United States since 1877 3
Western Civilization I: Ancient to 1648 50 HIS 100 History of Europe to 1713 3
Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present 50 HIS 101 History of Europe, 1713 to the Present 3

Credit for Prior Learning Examination (CPLE)

NKU faculty members have provided a unique opportunity for students wishing to receive credit for what they already have learned. Credit for Prior Learning Examinations (CPLE) are available for currently enrolled NKU students. The exams listed below are available to take and a grade of pass (P) will be assigned for the successful passage of a CPLE examination. Awarded CPLE credit will not replace any prior earned class credit.

Examination Credit Hours Equivalent NKU Course
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 3 ANT 100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Unearthing the Past: Introduction to World Prehistory 3 ANT 110 Unearthing the Past: World Archaeology
Medical and Biological Terminology 3 BIO 272 Medical and Biological Terminology
Introduction to Black Studies 3 BLS 100 Introduction to Black Studies
Architectural Drafting and CAD 3 CMGT 222 Architectural Drafting and CAD
Object-Oriented Programming I 3 CSC 260 Object-Oriented Programming I
Engineering Materials 3 EGT 261 Engineering Materials
Manufacturing Processes and Operations* 3 EGT 265 Manufacturing Processes and Metrology
Statics and Strength of Materials 3 EGT 300 Statics and Strength of Materials
Applied Dynamics 3 EGT 340 Applied Dynamics
Healthcare Management 3 HSC 410 Healthcare Management
Elementary Programming 3 INF 120 Elementary Programming
Introduction to Web Development 3 INF 286 Introduction to Web Development
Introduction to Supervision 3 LDR 117 Introduction to Supervision
Information Literacy 3 LIN 175 Information Literacy
PLC - General Physics I* 5 PHY 211 General Physics I
Advanced Respiratory Care 3 RSP 400 Advanced Respiratory Care

*Students wishing to take these exams must seek permission from the appropriate department before registering.

DSST Examinations

The DSST credit-by-examination program, recommended by the American Council on Education, is a form of prior-learning assessment that gives students the opportunity to receive college credit as a result of their test scores. The Office of Testing Services at NKU is a recognized DSST testing center and provides information about the tests as well as administers them. A grade of pass (P) will be assigned for the successful passage of a DSST examination. Students are urged to consult their advisors before registering for DSST exams. NKU requires submission of an official score report. Check the university’s testing website (http://testing.nku.edu) for updates. (The university reserves the right to revise these listings in accord with recommendations from the American Council on Education).

A History of the Vietnam War 49 HIS 565 The Vietnam War 3
Astronomy 48 AST 100G (This credit goes toward a student’s elective credit and can satisfy a general education natural science requirement. It will not substitute a course.) 3
Art of the Western World 48+
Departmental Essay
ARTH 101 Survey of Western Art 3
The Civil War and Reconstruction 400 HIS 417 Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877 3
Environmental Science 400 ENV 110 Introduction to Environmental Science and Issues 3
Fundamentals of College Algebra 400 MAT 100T (This credit goes toward a student’s elective credit. It will not substitute a course.) 3
Health & Human Development 48/400 BIO 125 Biological Perspective of Wellness 3
Human/Cultural Geography 54 GEO 100 Global Viewpoints on Geography and the Human Landscape 3
Computing and Information Technology 432 BIS 101 Computer Literacy and Informatics 3
Management Information Systems 430 BIS 300 Management Information Systems 3
Principles of Statistics 48/400 STA 205 Introduction to Statistical Methods 3
Substance Abuse 49/400 HSR 340 Alcoholism: Issues and Intervention 3

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Examinations

NKU students who have taken and received a passing score on a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) examination (as determined by the Department of Accounting, Finance, and Business Law) will receive credit for an equivalent NKU course. The chart below shows, for each FINRA exam accepted by NKU, the minimum score, the semester credit hours earned with that score, and the equivalent NKU courses.

Registered Options Principal (OP) 4 S7, or S62 with S42,
S17, S37, or S38
Pass FIN 345 Investment and Security Analysis AND
FIN 405 Derivative Securities
General Securities Representative (GS) 7 None Pass FIN 345 Investment and Security Analysis
General Securities Sales Supervisor (Options Module FINRA-SU) 9 S7 Pass FIN 345 Investment and Security Analysis
General Securities Sales Supervisor (General Module FINRA-SU) 10 S7 Pass FIN 345 Investment and Security Analysis
General Securities Principal (GP) 24 S7, S17, S37, S38,
S62, S79, or S82
Pass FIN 345 Investment and Security Analysis
Municipal Securities Principal (MP) 53 S52 or S7 (if passed
prior to 11/7/11)
Pass FIN 345 Investment and Security Analysis
NASAA-Uniform Combined State Law Exam (AG and/or RA) 66 S7 Pass FIN 345 Investment and Security Analysis
Life and Health Insurance Licenses in several states NA NA Pass FIN 355 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance

International Baccalaureate

High school students completing this rigorous program may receive credit by earning the required score in a specific subject. An appropriate number of semester credit hours will be awarded the grade of pass (P) for successful completion of approved courses. To earn credit, the student must request that an official transcript issued by the New York office of the International Baccalaureate be sent to the Office of Admissions. Additional information on regulations and approved NKU programs for IB credit may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Subject areas in which a student may receive credit from NKU by earning acceptable scores are listed below.

SL = Subsidiary Level
HL = Higher Level
* StndL = Standard Level

Biology Biology (SL)
Biology (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
BIO 100G
BIO 100G
Business Administration Business Administration (SL)
Business Administration (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
BUS 200T
MGT 205 - Business Management Principles/3 credit hours
Chemistry Chemistry (SL)

Chemistry (HL)
5 or higher

5 or higher
CHE 102 - Introduction to Chemistry AND
one credit of chemistry lab

CHE 120 - General Chemistry I AND
CHE 121 - General Chemistry II
(Credit for associated labs “CHE 120L - General Chemistry I Laboratory” and “CHE 121L - General Chemistry II Laboratory,” 1 credit each, may be awarded but will require department review of student’s lab syllabi and may require additional lab work or testing on the part of the student before credit is awarded.)

Computer Science Computer Science (SL)
Computer Science (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
INF 120 - Elementary Programming
INF 120 - Elementary Programming
Economics Economics (HL) 5 or higher ECO 200 - Principles of Macroeconomics AND
ECO 201 - Principles of Microeconomics
Film Film (SL)
Film (HL)
5 or higher
4 or higher
CIN 200 - Introduction to Cinema Studies
CIN 200 - Introduction to Cinema Studies
Geography Geography (SL)

Geography (HL)
5 or higher

5 or higher
GEO 100 - Global Viewpoints on Geography and the Human Landscape

GEO 100 - Global Viewpoints on Geography and the Human Landscape

Global Politics Global Politics (SL)
Global Politics (HL)
  PSC 103 - International Politics
PSC 103 - International Politics
History History (SL)
Histotry (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
HIS 109 - World History since 1500
HIS 109 - World History since 1500
Literature English Language A Lit. (HL)

Language A Lang. and Lit. (SL)
5 or higher

5 or higher
ENG 200 - Understanding Literature

ENG 200 - Understanding Literature


Modern Languages

Language B (SL)

French (SL)
German (SL)
Spanish (SL)

Language B (HL)

French (HL)
German (HL)
Spanish (HL)



5 or better
5 or better
5 or better


5 or better
5 or better
5 or better



FRE 201 - Intermediate French I*
GER 201 - Intermediate German I*
SPI 201 - Intermediate Spanish I*


FRE 201 AND FRE 202 - Intermediate French I & II**
GER 201 AND GER 202 - Intermediate German I & II**
SPI 201 AND SPI 202 - Intermediate Spanish I & II**

* Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for the 101 (Elementary I) and 102 (Elementary II) level of study in the corresponding language by completing the 202 (Intermediate II) level in the language and receiving a grade of C- or better.
** Students who continue their language study at NKU can receive credit for the 101 (Elementary I) and 102 (Elementary II) level of study in the corresponding language by completing a 300-level course or higher in the language and receiving a grade of C- or better.






Mathematics Mathematics Higher level (HL) 4 or higher MAT 129 - Calculus I AND
MAT 229 - Calculus II
Music Music (SL)
Music (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
MUS 100 - Music Appreciation
MUS 100 - Music Appreciation & MUS 100T
Philosophy Philosophy (SL)
Philosophy (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
PHI 110 - Philosophy, Individuals and Society
PHI 110 - Philosophy, Individuals and Society 
Physics Physics (SL)

Physics (HL)
4 or higher

5 or higher
PHY 211 - General Physics with Laboratory I

PHY 211 -  General Physics with Laboratory I AND
PHY 213 - General Physics with Laboratory II

Psychology Psychology (SL)
Psychology (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
PSY 100 - Introduction to Psychology
PSY 100 - Introduction to Psychology
Social and Cultural Anthropology Social and Cultural Anthropology (SL)

Social and Cultural Anthropology (HL)
5 or higher

5 or higher
ANT 100 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANT 100 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Theatre and Dance Theatre (SL)
Theatre (HL)
Dance (SL)
Dance (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
5 or higher
5 or higher
TAR 100 - Theatre Appreciation
TAR 110 - Acting I
DAN 120 - Ballet Dance I
DAN 220 - Ballet Dance II
Visual Arts Visual Arts (SL)
Visual Arts (HL)
5 or higher
5 or higher
ART 100 - Art Appreciation
ART 100 - Art Appreciation

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

NKU students who have obtained a certification for Life, Variable Life and Variable Annuity and Health Insurance will receive credit for an equivalent NKU course. The chart below shows the semester credit hours and the equivalent NKU course.

Life, Variable Life and Variable Annuity and Health Insurance FIN 355 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance 3

National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) 

NKU students who have taken and received a passing score on a certification examination from the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC), as determined by the Department of Allied Health, will receive credit for equivalent NKU courses.

Examinations may be primary or post-primary examinations. An example of a primary examination is the ARRT exam for radiography. Students who have graduated from a program that is/was accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology but is not housed in a college that is/was regionally accredited would receive credit for radiography courses comparable to what would have been completed in an associate degree program at NKU. Post-primary exams are administered to those who have already completed an associate degree at a regionally accredited institution, passed the primary examination in their discipline, transferred credit for professional coursework to NKU and subsequently studied didactic content, demonstrated clinical competence and passed a post-primary exam in radiography, nuclear medicine, sonography, respiratory care or other health care discipline.

The chart below lists the examinations, prerequisites, minimum score, the equivalent NKU courses and the maximum number of hours.

NBRC - Adult Critical Care Specialty (RRT-ACCS) NBRC - Registered Respiratory Care (RRT) RSP 430 Advanced Pathophysiology 3
NBRC - Neonatal/Pediatric Respiratory Care Specialist (RRT-NPS), or Registered Pulmonary Function (RPFT) NBRC - Registered Respiratory Care (RRT) RSP 496 Clinical Practicum VI 3
NBRC - Sleep Disorders Testing and Therapeutic Intervention Specialist (RRT-SDS) NBRC - Registered Respiratory Care (RRT) RSP 451 Polysomnography I
RSP 452 Polysomnography II

National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN)

A requirement for admission to the RN to BSN program is an active registered nursing license. In order to obtain a nursing license nurses must take and pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). Since 1994 the NCLEX has been a nationwide examination for the licensing of nurses in the United States. The examination is developed and owned by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN). The NCSBN administers these examinations on behalf of its member boards which consist of the boards of nursing in all 50 states. Scores for passing the exam are issued to the board of nursing. The blueprint testing plan for the exam is updated every three years to reflect current, entry-level nursing competency. Validation for passing the exam will be to verify a current license with the state board of nursing in which the student is licensed.

To assure content validity a testing plan is developed every three years. The test plan is reviewed and approved by the NCLEX Examination Committee. They use recent practice an alysis of registered nurses, expert opinions of the Examination Committee,NCSBN content staff, and boards of nursing (NCSBN’s Member Boards) to ensure that the test plan is consistent with state nurse practice acts. A thorough and comprehensive listing of content for each client needs category and subcategory is outlined in the test plan.

Active registered nursing license via NCLEX. ADN Pass NRS 330 Principles of Psych & Mental Health Nursing
NRS 330P Psych & Mental Health Nursing Practicum
NRS 360 Principles of OB & Newborn Nursing
NRS 360P OB & Newborn Nursing Practicum
NRS 415 Principles of Pediatric Nursing
NRS 415P Pediatric Nursing Practicum
NRS 450 Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing
NRS 450P Advanced Medical-Surgical Practicum
SCI 100G Natural Sciences

These are the learning outcomes for the didactic courses. These learning outcomes have been based on the accreditation standards set in the Essential of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice.

NRS 330

  1. Articulate the meaning of caring as it relates to respect for self and others on the mental health continuum
  2. Employ therapeutic communication techniques with others along the mental health continuum
  3. Develop a holistic plan of care for those with mental health issues, based on healthcare data and in collaboration with others
  4. Demonstrate culturally sensitive nursing care for individuals with mental health needs
  5. Integrate self-awareness, psychiatric, legal and ethical principals to promote the mental health of all and the profession of nursing
  6. Utilize comprehensive evidence-based nursing care to others related to mental health in theoretical settings


  1. Model caring behaviors in the delivery of nursing care to childbearing families during healthy or unhealthy life transitions
  2. Employ effective communication techniques and healthcare technologies in the delivery of nursing care to childbearing families in a variety of obsterical settings
  3. Employ cultural sensitivity when providing nursing care to clients and their families
  4. Utilize nursing process in the implementation of a plan of care for childbearing families in clinical practice settings
  5. Model professional behavior in interactions with instructors, peers, clients and hospital staff
  6. Interpret current research as it relates to childbearing families in the practice setting


  1. Examine attributes of caring in the delivery of nursing care to children and their families
  2. Integrate therapeutic communication with children and their families in a myriad of pediatric settings
  3. Incorporate cultural sensitivity in design of nursing care of families of diverse backgrounds
  4. Evaluate healthcare data in collaboration with others to design a holistic plan of care for children and their families
  5. Facilitate comprehensive evidence-based nursing care to children and their families in a variety of theoretical and clinical settings
  6. Analyze practice situations and settings for necessary changes to promote health and the profession of nursing
  7. Evaluate relevant research findings for incorporation into the care of children and their families


  1. Analyze caring behaviors as they relate to people with complex health problems
  2. Formulate therapeutic communication techniques appropriate for people with complex health problems
  3. Construct evidenced based nursing care for people with complex health problems
  4. Prepare culturally sensitive nursing care for people with complex health problems
  5. Examine the role of the professional nurse in caring for people with complex health problems
  6. Incorporate research findings in the care of people with complex health problems

Nuclear Medicine Technologist Certification Board (NMTCB)

NKU students who have taken and received a passing score on a certification examination from the Nuclear Medicine Technologist Certification Board (NMTCB), as determined by the Department of Allied Health, will receive credit for equivalent NKU courses.

Examinations may be primary or post-primary examinations. An example of a primary examination is the ARRT exam for radiography. Students who have graduated from a program that is/was accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology but is not housed in a college that is/was regionally accredited would receive credit for radiography courses comparable to what would have been completed in an associate degree program at NKU. Post-primary exams are administered to those who have already completed an associate degree at a regionally accredited institution, passed the primary examination in their discipline, transferred credit for professional coursework to NKU and subsequently studied didactic content, demonstrated clinical competence and passed a post-primary exam in radiography, nuclear medicine, sonography, respiratory care or other health care discipline.

The chart below lists the examinations, prerequisites, minimum score, the equivalent NKU courses and the maximum number of hours.


NMTCB - Nuclear Cardiology (NCT), or Positron-Emission Technology (PET)

CNMT or ARRT (N) RAD 494 Topics: Radiology
RAD 496 Radiographic Practicum VII