Feb 09, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Special Education (P-12), B.A.
Students who want to become special education teachers must also major in either elementary, middle, or secondary (high school) teaching. Those choosing to major in special education will work with students who have identified learning disabilities, behavior disorders, mild intellectual disabilities, and/or physical and health disabilities. The special education teacher may work alongside a general education teacher providing support, accommodations, and modifications to students with disabilities in the general education classroom; may provide more individualized instruction to students with disabilities in a resource room; or may teach students with disabilities in a self-contained special education classroom. When finished, students may apply for certification to teach individuals with learning and behavior disorders from kindergarten through 12th grade. Students must maintain an overall GPA of 2.75 throughout the program. Additionally, students will need to work closely with their assigned advisor to ensure that requirements for both general education teaching certification (elementary, middle, or secondary), as well as the requirements for special education teaching certification, are met.
♦ Indicates prerequisite.
Degree Requirements (38 credits)
Core Courses (15 credits)
Professional Semester III - Special Education Block (11 credits)
(every fall semester; spring semester based upon need) Professional Semester IV - Clinical Experience (12 credits)
Select one course from the following Middle Grades Education with Special Education Track (6 credits)
Secondary Education with Special Education Track (9 credits)