Sep 22, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Description Notes

Northern Kentucky University has established abbreviations for its various disciplines. These abbreviations, which are printed next to the name of each discipline in the following course descriptions, should be used in preparing course schedules and at other times when referring to specific courses.

Following course titles in parenthesis is the number of semester hours of credit in the course. Listed below the course title are the number of classroom and lab/studio hours in the course, course prerequisites and co-requisites, and the semesters in which the course is taught.

Many courses satisfy NKU general education requirements under guidelines of the Kentucky Transfer Policy. If a particular course is approved for general education credit, a two-letter general education category designation follows the course title. The category for which the course is approved is listed in full beneath the course description. The general education category designations are:

OC – Oral Communication
WC – Written Communication
AH – Arts and Humanities
QR – Quantitative Reasoning
NS – Natural Sciences
SB – Social and Behavioral Sciences

Please refer to the General Education section of this catalog for complete information.

The university reserves the right to withdraw or modify courses of instruction at any time.



  • PSY 465 Health Psychology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 100  and junior standing.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Guided readings, discussions, and evaluations of scientific literature on health and health related behaviors; understanding psychological, social, and biological determinants of health; multi-disciplinary focus.
    Repeatable: No
  • PSY 465L Health Psychology Laboratory (2 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in PSY 210  or equivalent.
    Prerequisite OR Co-requisite: PSY 465  or equivalent.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Laboratory to accompany PSY 465 .
    Repeatable: No
  • PSY 492 Research: Psychology (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor and psychology chair prior to registration.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Individually supervised research in an area of faculty expertise; readings, design, data collection, analyses, report writing or presentation of findings. Specific activities assigned by instructor. Up to 3 semester hours may be earned per semester; no more than 6 semester hours of PSY 492 and/or PSY 499  may be applied toward certification of the major.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • PSY 494 Topics: Psychology (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 100  and consent of instructor.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Seminar course; topic listed in Schedule of Classes each semester. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • PSY 495 Study Abroad in Psychology (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study abroad course; topic listed in Schedule of Classes when course is offered. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • PSY 496 Applied Experience in Psychology (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 , junior standing, and consent of instructor.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Supervised practical experience within the field of psychology and psychology-related areas. Students observe and shadow working professionals and apply classroom knowledge to practical work settings and environments. Up to 3 semester hours may be earned per semester; no more than 6 semester hours of PSY 496 may be applied toward certification of the major.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • PSY 497 Honors Project in Psychology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Honors in Psychology program.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Supervised development, implementation, analysis, and reporting of an empirical study.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • PSY 499 Independent Study in Psychology (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and psychology chair prior to registration.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individually supervised areas of study; archival research, experiments, surveys, and/or applied projects. Specific activity is student initiated and in consultation with instructor. Up to 3 semester hours may be earned per semester; no more than 6 semester hours of PSY 492  and/or PSY 499 may be applied toward certification of the major.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • PSY 501 I-O Discussion Forum (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Introduction to I-O program, development of community and support; survey of I-O psychology; discussion of historical, ethical, legal and current newsworthy issues; clarification and elaboration of program requirements, intentions and philosophy.
    Repeatable: No
  • PSY 550 Organizational Psychology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Fall only
    Introductory graduate level study in organizational psychology; commitment, involvement, satisfaction, motivation, leadership, power, quality of worklife, and groups/teams.
    Repeatable: No
  • PSY 570 Work Environments (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Introduction to human factors psychology; ergonomics; occupational health and safety; physical and psychological factors influencing the workplace.
    Repeatable: No
  • PSY 580 Cognition in the Workplace (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.
    Taught: Spring only
    Judgment and decision-making, heuristics, biases, persuasion, prejudice, diversity, values, and attitude measurement.
    Repeatable: No
  • PSY 595 Topics: Study Abroad in Psychology (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study abroad course; topic listed in Schedule of Classes when course is offered. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

Public Administration

  • PAD 300 Introduction to Public Administration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): junior standing.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Governmental administration, primarily U.S.; development of the discipline and its methodology; organization, personnel, and budgeting problems; administrative control and accountability.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 394 Special Topics in Public Administration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PAD 300 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 401 Human Resource Management (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Spring only
    Principles and problems of recruitment, examination procedures, rating, classification, and assignment to the job; philosophies of pay, promotion, employee motivation and discipline; formulating and administering public personnel policies; concepts and principles in selecting governmental personnel systems; American national, state, and local personnel systems.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 403 Public Policy (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSC 100 , PSC 101 , PSC 102 , PSC 103 , PSC 110  or PAD 300 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Course introduces students to the policy making process by providing an introduction to public policy, providing and overview of the formation, implementation, quantitative and qualitative evaluation, and ethical aspects of policy making.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 412 Administrative Law (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Spring only
    Nature of the powers vested in administrative agencies; problems of administrative procedure; methods and extent of judicial control over administrative action.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 420 Managing the Not-For-Profit Organization (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Spring only
    Development and characteristics of the not-for-profit organization; managerial challenges; application of relevant theories to the not-for-profit organization; organization, staffing, planning, programming, evaluating, board-staff relations; managing volunteers.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 455 Urban Administration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Public management issues and approaches in the modern city; governmental policy making and organizational structure in an urban environment; managerial processes for selecting, motivating, leading, and evaluating public employees; resources management; productivity in service delivery.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 494 Topics: Public Administration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Topics vary from semester to semester. See Schedule of Classes for topic and prerequisites.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • PAD 496 Internship in Public Administration (1-15 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Students must have the consent of Internship Coordinator.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Students may enroll for real-world experiential credit with public or private hosts.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • PAD 498 Public Service Practicum (1-6 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 1-6 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of internship coordinator.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course is an opportunity to apply classroom learning to a practical setting in a government, nonprofit or related organization in the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati region, the state capital of Frankfort, or another locale. Students may be involved with program implementation, policy making, budgeting and/or other public service activities.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 499 Independent Study in Public Service (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program coordinator.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Specialized topics in public administration covered through intensive readings and/or field projects; at the direction of a specific instructor. May be repeated as projects vary.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 511 Budgeting Techniques and Applications (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Advanced treatment of budgetary techniques and applications, such as program budgeting and zero-base budgeting; financial planning and revenue estimation techniques; tax and expenditure types; debt financing; financial reporting.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 515 Cartography (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program, or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to principles and concepts of cartography; hands-on experience in cartographic map design using computer cartographic software through developing maps, charts, graphics, and design materials for presentation through digital mediums. Emphasizes understanding and implementation of the principles and theories and research into relevant topics.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 519 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MPA program or consent of MPA director.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to principles and concepts of remote sensing technologies; hands-on experience in manipulation of remote sensing techniques using remote sensing software. Emphasizes understanding and implementation of remote sensing theories and research into relevant topics.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 520 Advanced Remote Sensing (4 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PAD 519 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to principles and concepts of digital remote sensing data processing technologies; hands-on experience in manipulation of digital remote sensing data processing techniques using remote sensing software. Emphasizes understanding and implementation of digital remote sensing data processing theories and research into relevant topics.
    Repeatable: No
  • PAD 560 Planning and Community Development (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Statutory and structural framework for urban planning and development; technical, social, political, and economic elements in the governmental planning process; planning theories and regulatory techniques; growth management; urban redevelopment.
    Repeatable: No

Public Relations

  • PRE 350 Music and Entertainment Publicity (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Music & Entertainment Publicity is an introduction to the strategies, tactics, and tools that apply to promotional activities for musical artists and theatrical productions. Special emphasis will be placed on new and social media and on the cross-marketing efforts that connect artists with video games, retail outlets, and festivals.
    Repeatable: No
  • PRE 375 Principles of Public Relations (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): JOU 110  or EMB 100 , and JOU 220  or EMB 265, or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Philosophy and functions of public relations practices; campaign planning and public affairs activities; writing messages for and selection of news media.
    Repeatable: No
  • PRE 376 Public Relations Writing (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite OR Co-requisite: PRE 375 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Instruction and practice in various forms of writing for public relations, including press releases, annual reports, newsletters, and other professional public relations writing for the media and the public.
    Repeatable: No
  • PRE 377 Public Relations Case Studies and Campaigns (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PRE 375 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Evaluation of public relations programs conducted by companies, nonprofit institutions, and government agencies; writing for specialized and mass media in public relations.
    Repeatable: No
  • PRE 385 Public Relations Research Methods (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PRE 375 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    This course includes qualitative and quantitative research designs as related to public relations research, specifically teaching skills such as communication audits, issue tracking, use of external research services, media and clipping analysis, evaluating and reporting program effectiveness and evaluating counselor and staff performance.
    Repeatable: No
  • PRE 394 Topics in Public Relations (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Focused study of a specific and significant topic from a public relations perspective. Topics vary from semester to semester and may be repeated once for credit.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • PRE 396 Public Relations Internship (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 12 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PRE 376 ; written consent of supervising faculty member; junior or senior standing.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Selected placement, for P.R. majors, in a public relations agency, department, or other employer of P.R. professionals. Assigned work in a business, non-profit, or government organization may include writing, production, or promotion. May not be repeated for credit.
    Repeatable: No
  • PRE 400 Public Relations Planning and Account Management (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PRE 375 .
    Taught: Fall only
    This course facilitates the study and practice of consultative client- practitioner relations in public relations contexts. Account management and its various time-tracking and billing methods are kept in the foreground and considered for their likely influence throughout the client-practitioner lifecycle. Topics include inter-organizational relations, supply chain architectures, planning and budgeting, proposal writing and presentation, and business ethics.
    Repeatable: No
  • PRE 410 Electronic Public Relations (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PRE 376 .
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Provide knowledge and practice in preparing various forms of electronic media used for corporate, non-broadcast purposes. Students will develop, create and produce effective electronic programming for distribution within the corporate culture in this course.
    Repeatable: No
  • PRE 495 Study Abroad (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Varies by topic.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Varies by topic. Course includes a classroom portion and a trip abroad.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 12

  • PRE 499 Independent Study in Public Relations (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 4 -12 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): junior standing; approved independent study proposal.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individually supervised work involving reading, research, writing, and/or production in a specified area of interest of public relations. Topic and plan of study selected before registration in conference with professor.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

Radiologic Science

  • RAD 200 Introduction to Radiography (6 credits)

    Hours: 5 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to radiologic technology program.
    Taught: Summer only
    Introduction to program and profession; fundamental radiography principles and procedures; radiography of the chest and abdomen; foundation for all core radiography courses; orientation to clinical policies and procedures; observation of radiographic examinations under direct supervision by registered technologists at clinical sites.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 208 Radiographic Procedures I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 200 .
    Co-requisite(s): RAD 208L .
    Taught: Fall only
    Radiographic anatomy, positioning, and image analysis of the appendicular skeleton, shoulder and pelvic girdles, and vertebral column to include routine, nonroutine, trauma and surgical radiography.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 208L Radiographic Positioning Laboratory I (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Co-requisite(s): RAD 208 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Radiographic positioning of the appendicular skeleton, pelvic and shoulder girdles, and vertebral column using simulation and phantoms; supervised practice and image analysis. Pass/fail only.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 209 Radiographic Procedures II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): RAD 208 .
    Co-requisite(s): RAD 209L .
    Taught: Spring only
    Continuation of RAD 208 . Introduction to contrast studies; radiographic anatomy, positioning, and image analysis of the cervical and thoracic spine, gastrointestinal, biliary and urinary systems, bony thorax, and cranium.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 209L Radiographic Positioning Laboratory II (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Co-requisite(s): RAD 209 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Radiographic positioning of the cervical and thoracic spine, gastrointestinal, biliary, and urinary systems, bony thorax, and cranium using simulation and phantoms; supervised practice and film critique. Pass/fail only.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 214 Analysis of Radiographic Quality (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 200 .
    Co-requisite(s): RAD 214L .
    Taught: Fall only
    Principles of radiographic exposure variables and processing; analysis of the radiographic image; problem-solving approach to practical application of principles.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 214L Analysis Radiographic Quality Laboratory (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 200 .
    Co-requisite(s): RAD 214 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Laboratory demonstration and experimentation coordinated with principles taught in RAD 214 .
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 216 Physical Principles of Radiographic Equipment (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 214 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Principles of electromagnetism and the relationship to radiographic circuitry and equipment; construction and design of radiographic, fluoroscopic, mammographic, tomographic, and digital equipment.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 230 Professional Communication in Health Science (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 200 .
    Taught: Spring only
    This course offers an introduction to methods of professional communication relative to health care delivery topics will include professionalism, ethical and legal issues, charting, health informatics, the team concept in health care, and culture and diversity as they relate to communication in health care.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 286 Radiographic Practicum I (3 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 16 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): RAD 200 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Clinical application of principles of radiographic positioning, technique, and radiation protection; competency in chest, abdominal, appendicular skeleton, lumbar spine, shoulder, and pelvic girdle radiography. Conducted under supervision of registered radiographers and clinical faculty.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 296 Radiographic Practicum II (3 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 16 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 286 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Clinical application of principles of radiation protection and of radiographic positioning and technique; competency in portable radiography and in radiography of the cervical and lumbar spine, bony thorax, cranium and G-U and G-I systems. Conducted under supervision of registered radiographers and clinical faculty.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 299 Independent Study in Radiology (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individual readings, research, and/or clinical based coursework developed by the student in consultation with the instructor and approved by the radiologic technology program director prior to registration.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 303 Radiographic Procedures III (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 209 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Pediatric, geriatric, trauma, and surgical radiography; mammography; introduction to specialized non-vascular and vascular radiographic procedures and equipment; lecture/discussion and guest speakers.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 308 Radiographic Procedures III (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 209 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Specialized non-vascular radiographic procedures, including trauma radiography, mammography, HSG, myelography and arthrography exams. Informed consent process, aseptic techniques, venipuncture and pharmacology will also be covered. Additional topics include best practices for imaging exams on pediatric, geriatric and bariatric patients.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 309 Radiographic Procedures IV (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 308  
    Overview of vascular and interventional radiographic procedures and associated equipment; additional topics include pharmacology, venipuncture procedures, venous access devices, biopsy and draining procedures, and patient monitoring and assessment.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 310 Sectional Anatomy (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 334  or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Cross-sectional human anatomy of the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine, and extremities, as demonstrated on CT and MR images.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 334 Specialized Medical Imaging (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 209 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Introduction to specialized imaging and therapeutic modalities, including CT scanning, MRI, medical sonography, bone densitometry, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 340 Radiation Biology and Protection (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 216 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Biological effects of ionizing radiation; radiation safety requirements and procedures; laboratory demonstration/experimentation.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 350 Clinical Pathology for Radiographers (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 303 and BIO 209.
    Taught: Spring only
    Anatomy, pathology, and mechanisms of disease with its radiological manifestation in radiographic studies; case studies; radiology presentations.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 360 Quality Assurance (2 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 216 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Clinical and administrative aspects of quality assurance to include: elements of QA; risk management; data collection and reporting; involvement of appropriate personnel; financial implications of QA; quality control of diverse radiology equipment; accreditation standards.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 376 Radiographic Practicum III (2 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 16 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 296 .
    Taught: Summer only
    Clinical application of principles of radiation protection and of radiographic positioning and technique; competency in radiography of the skeletal and digestive systems. Five-week internship that includes a one-week evening assignment; conducted under supervision of registered radiographers and clinical faculty.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 386 Radiographic Practicum IV (3 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 16 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 376 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Clinical application of principles of radiographic positioning, technique, and radiation protection; competency in surgical and non-routine radiography and continued competency in routine skeletal and contrast studies. Conducted under supervision of registered radiographers and clinical faculty.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 396 Radiographic Practicum V (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 24 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 386 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Clinical application of principles of radiographic positioning, technique, and radiation protection; introduction to advanced medical imaging modalities; continued competency development in non-routine radiography. Conducted under supervision of registered radiographers and clinical faculty.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 450 Advanced Imaging Pathology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Anatomy, pathology, and mechanisms of disease with its radiological manifestation in nuclear medicine, CT, MRI, cardiac and vascular imaging, ultrasound, doppler, and mammography studies; case studies; radiology presentations.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 470 Topics: Advanced Imaging (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 396 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    In-depth study of theory, principles, and applications of magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, or vascular imaging. Offered according to demand and interest of students or a maximum of 9 semester hours.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • RAD 480 Radiography Capstone (3 credits)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 340 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Comprehensive review and assessment of essential concepts in radiography; preparation for the ARRT examination.
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 494 Topics: Radiology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Repeatable: No
  • RAD 496 Practicum: Advanced Imaging (3-6 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 24 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RAD 396 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Clinical application of principles of CT, MRI, or special procedures; content includes procedures, equipment, image production and/or scanning techniques. Conducted under supervision of registered technologists and clinical faculty.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • RAD 499 Special Topics Radiology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Intensive study of a special topic or issue in radiologic technology through independent study.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

Reading Workshop

  • RDG 091 Reading Workshop (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Practice and instruction in reading and reading appreciation; literate behaviors; book selection; reading strategies, processes, comprehension; critical and creative response to materials read. Not applicable toward graduation. For students needing additional preparation for ENG 101 .
    Repeatable: No
  • RDG 110 Critical Reading (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Development of critical reading strategies including analysis, synthesis, and evaluation; cultural literacy; contemporary issues in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Provides preparation for general education courses in a variety of disciplines.
    Repeatable: No

Religious Studies

  • REL 200 World Religions and Cultures - AH (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    This course is to introduce students to one or more of the following religions: Indigenous Sacred Ways, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. The historical development of the religions studies, the major beliefs and the interactions within and between cultures will be considered.
    Repeatable: No
    General education credit: Culture and Creativity
  • REL 301 Ancient Religions (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    A comparative journey through religious ideas and practices in lands around the Mediterranean from pre-history to the Fall of Rome will include recognition of the transmission of many aspects of culture from east to west.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 302 Survey of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Major figures, main themes, basic values, and primary beliefs found in the Hebrew Bible in its religious, philosophical, political and historical contexts.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 303 Survey of New Testament (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Major figures, main themes, basic values and primary beliefs of New Testament writings in their religious, philosophical, political and historical contexts.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 305 Islam (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course is both historical and topical in its treatment of Islam. Our first emphasis will be on the life and career of Prophet Muhammad, the teachings of the Qur’an, the development of the Muslim community and its principal institutions to about 1300 CE. Topically we will cover the Qur’an, the basic beliefs and practices of Islam, and Sufism (Islamic mysticism). We will also consider the current situation in the Islamic world and the Islamic community.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 306 Introduction to Judaism (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to the history of Judaism, major beliefs, branches, ceremonies and rituals central to contemporary Jewish life. This course is sponsored by the Jewish Chautaugua Society.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 307 Survey of Christianity (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Main beliefs, figures, orientations and branches of the Christian tradition; contemporary movements and issues.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 320 Religion in America (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Spring only-even yrs
    Reading and discussion of writings of representative contemporary theologians and writers; development of awareness of basic issues and patterns in recent theological thinking.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 330 Contemporary Religious Thought (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Spring only-even yrs
    Reading and discussion of writings of representative contemporary theologians and writers; development of awareness of basis issues and patterns in recent theological thinking.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 350 World Religions and Ethics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Comparative study of the ethical dimension of the world religions: moral ideals, models of virtue, codes of ethics, views on topics such as the relation between the sexes, race, work, home, human rights, political responsibility and war; focus mainly upon Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 360 Human Religious Experience (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Various facets of the experiential dimension of religion (e.g., the religious life, the communication of religious experience, religious autobiography, theories of the nature and function of religious experience and mysticism).
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 370 Religion and Science (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Various approaches to the relationship between religion and science; historical conflict; the developing dialogue between religion and science; cosmology; evolution. The course seeks to introduce students to a wide range of concerns and does not presuppose detailed knowledge of religion or science.
    Repeatable: No
  • REL 394 Topics: Religious Studies (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    In-depth examination of a major thinker, school, or issue in religious studies. Topic announced in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated as topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • REL 499 Independent Study (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individually supervised readings and study of a selected topic.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 12

  • REL 594 Topics In Religious Studies (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Selected topics in religious studies. May be repeated as topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • REL 599 Independent Study (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individually supervised readings and study of a selected topic in religious studies. May be repeated as topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

Respiratory Care

  • RSP 201 Fundamentals of Respiratory Care (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to respiratory care program.
    Co-requisite(s): RSP 201L  and RSP 286 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Introductory respiratory care theory and procedures; basic respiratory system anatomy and physiology, administration procedures for aerosolized medications; theory and equipment for oxygen therapy, pulse oximetry, hyperinflation therapy, and mucous clearance techniques.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 201L Respiratory Care Equipment and Procedures (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Co-requisite(s): RSP 201 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Demonstration and practice in basic respiratory care procedures; proper body mechanics, patient assessment, administration of oxygen therapy, bland aerosol therapy, incentive spirometry, aerosolized medication, and mucus clearance techniques.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 202 Medical Terminology for Health Professions (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Co-requisite(s): RAD 208  or RSP 201 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Independent learning of word parts, including prefixes, suffixes, and roots, and the combination of these parts to form complex symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic medical terms related to the language of allied health professions; approved medical abbreviations will also be included.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 220 Introduction to Respiratory Critical Care (4 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): RSP 201  and RSP 201L  with grades of C or better.
    Prerequisite OR Co-requisite: BIO 209  and BIO 209L .
    Taught: Spring only
    Theory, application and demonstration of procedures and equipment used for advanced respiratory care and emergency procedures, airway management, non-invasive ventilator support, arterial blood gas collection, ECG arrhythmia recognition and treatment.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 235 Respiratory Physiology and Physics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): RSP 201 , RSP 201L , BIO 208  and BIO 208L .
    Co-requisite(s): BIO 209  and BIO 209L .
    Taught: Spring only
    Functional anatomy of respiratory systems structures; mechanics and control of ventilation; pulmonary blood flow and the matching of ventilation with profusion; acid-balance and the interpretation of blood gases; oxygen transport and the concepts of shunting and dead space; physics of gasses applicable to respiratory care. PREREQ OR
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 286 Clinical Practicum I (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 24 lab/studio
    Co-requisite(s): RSP 201  and RSP 201L .
    Taught: Fall only
    Professionally supervised experience in basic respiratory care procedures in acute-care hospitals: oxygen administration, lung expansion therapies, aerosolized medication administration, and mucus clearance techniques; proper documentation and preparation of clinical case reports.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 296 Clinical Practicum II (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 24 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): RSP 286 .
    Co-requisite(s): RSP 220 - RSP 220L.
    Taught: Spring only
    Professionally supervised experience in basic and intermediate respiratory care procedures; suctioning, hand ventilation, arterial puncture, phlebotomy, CPR, and care of patients with artificial airways; developing skill in time management, organization and effective communication with other healthcare professionals.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 299 Independent Study: Respiratory Care (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individually supervised work involving readings, research, and/or clinical activities in areas of special interest or need. Topics, activities, and evaluation procedures specified by instructor and approved by program director prior to registration.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • RSP 310 Advanced Critical Care (5 credits)

    Hours: 4 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RSP 220 .
    Taught: Summer only
    This course provides instruction, demonstration, and practice in the theory, set-up, operation and maintenance of mechanical ventilators and related equipment. Topics include: mechanical ventilator theory for adults, ventilator operation, ventilator maintenance and trouble shooting.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 331 Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): RSP 310 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Overview of the various areas comprising cardiopulmonary diagnostics to include normal and abnormal pulmonary function and related technology; emphasis will be on performance, interpretation, and evaluation of pulmonary function studies; operation and maintenance of pulmonary function and gas analysis equipment; other topics include sleep laboratory, stress and exercise testing, metabolic testing, ventilation/perfusion scanning, cardiac catheterization laboratory, and non-invasive cardiology.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 340 Pulmonary Rehabilitation (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Spring only
    Components of a pulmonary rehabilitation program; physiological and psychosocial problems of patients with chronic pulmonary disease; design and implementation of a program of education and exercise tailored to meet needs of the individual patient.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 350 Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Assessment techniques for pulmonary disease patients including history taking, chest physical exam, basic radiography, lab study, and PFT interpretation, pulmonary and critical care medicine, obstructive and restrictive pulmonary disease, cardiac and cardiovascular disorders, neurologic and neuromuscular disorders, shock, trauma, sepsis, near drowning, burns, smoke inhalation, carbon monoxide poisoning, drug overdose, renal failure, acute G.I. disturbances, and respiratory care of the post-operative patient will be reviewed.
    Repeatable: No
  • RSP 362 Prenatal-Pediatric Respiratory Care (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in RSP 310 .
    Co-requisite(s): RSP 396 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Prenatal lung development, fetal circulation, and changes at birth; differences in respiratory anatomy and physiology between young children and adults; specialized techniques of airway management and artificial ventilation; applications of respiratory system monitoring and therapeutic modalities; respiratory diseases commonly seen in pediatrics.
    Repeatable: No

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